August ProgBlog #1: Guilt-ridden!

in #aer6 years ago

I have a cold which has managed to work its way up into my head and still quite a lot going on so I'm thinking really stupid thoughts at the moment. Like feeling guilty for not working on websites despite the fact we're currently closing down our business so all the website work I need to do are on technonaturalist, perhaps at some stage the two freebies which are the only ones still kicking around on my server, and working with the clients' new hosting companies to get their sites transferred. I managed to get over that after a few minutes of applying some logic to it.

And then I started feeling guilty for working on whatever it was I was working on instead of something else. Which continued applying even as i switched projects.


So somewhere in that pathetic self pity helix, I somehow managed to do the mouth cavity.

Just need to run it through 3dC now to do some texturing and displacement mapping and then work out later if that possibly coupled with a multires modifier is enough to get a good look.

Got the first light and shadow layers done on the homonculous:

My moment of happiness in this one was accidentally working on a lot of it without the outline layer which I usually find pretty hard to do in the first lighting layers.

I didn't feel guilty about doing @superoo7's upgoats as upgoats are usually pretty quick, but I did feel guilty about making them one main colour (they were originally just going to be light green with the darker horns) so I popped little socks and face markings on them and...still feel guilty. But at this stage I think it's just a habit.

As per usual the not-quick bit will be trying to figure out how to write the name, so I'll be moving along to the next two upgoat orders in the list in the meantime.

This post also appears on my blog.

Another stupid thing I'm feeling guilty about is not posting this on Friday night. Seriously -_- S'alright I'll be back to normal...well I'm not sure when, depends how things go next week.

Stuff to do

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) It can be one of your characters (including ones you make up on the spot for this XD) or a self insert. There's a bunch of different human types to choose from, and pets/other animals are also welcome.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt both the #teamaustralia channels (yes there's two, the PAL one and one for Aus/NZ), Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


UPGOATS!!!! I love all the different styles you come up with.

Glad at least one person out there likes all of them XD

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh man! That teeth is probably a pain in the butt sheeeeshhh, nice WIPS lookin forward to it

Only a pain because I hate two major things associated with it :D (poly modelling and tight spaces)

Thanks ^_^ hoping to get them done to some value of done at some point over the week x_x

Yeah, what Choo says. I like seeing the variations. It’s like giving birth right? I wonder what the next upgoats will look like. Lol

As for being guilt ridden, that’s the story of my life. I’m antisocial in my private life to avoid guilt, but you can’t do that for work life. It does feel like a spiral most days for me too. Always feeling guilty regardless of which client I focus on. These days I try to book time onsite, it means I’ve no choice but to focus on the people I’m with and everyone else can wait.

You’re not filled with pathetic pity, but you are still working on that mouth cavity!! I feel tired and back achey for you...

I don't usually have the guilt, just this low level panic about whether the person I'm doing a thing for will like it XD it's otherwise much less painful than giving birth ;D

Mouth cavity is nearly done at least! I hope...just needs to be painted up and hopefully it works XD

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope you feel better soon, FYN-tastic! I'm happy to see you working through your to-do list. It's always nice to see lists being whittled down. Never mind the pace, as long as you're getting stuff done. Sucks about the business shutting down, I forgot to include that in your previous post about it. If you think of a new one and you ever need a hand, just give me a ring :)

Could use a couple more days downtime but an otherwise pretty good now thanks ^_^ yep slow progress is better than no progress :D

No worries about the business, we wanted to close down. We didn't like the running the business part of running the business XD

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahaha!! Only sadists like that aspect!

@ryivhnn I find that sometimes I'm the most productive when there's some other pressing thing that I need to do. They I'll feel guilty for working on that other thing, but still get a lot done, haha. What 3D software is that you're using Blender?

It's always somewhat comforting to find out that it's perfectly normal... but I still don't like feeling bad about getting stuff done XD such is life when working on multiple projects ay ;D

Yep using Blender here.

Posted using Partiko Android

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