5 MISTAKES Newbies Make with Facebook Ads - 2019

in #advertising6 years ago (edited)

Facebook advertising


5 MISTAKES People Make with Facebook Advertising


In this post I want to break down Five of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to Facebook advertising. I hear what people are focusing on and I see what people really want to go through and accomplish with their businesses. And so I went through and made a list of five different things that people kind of get a little bit backwards when it comes to Facebook advertising. So in order to help you with your business in 2019 and moving forward I want to share these five big mistake with you. This way you can hopefully avoid them and get on the right track with your paid advertising. Because let's face it when you're putting money into your business and investing money into ads and marketing those are very valuable dollars.

You can't waste this money! So if we have the wrong of wrong objective, then you're just you're gonna fail from the start. Stephen R. Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) says begin with the end in mind and that is what is needed here. You can have all of the best intentions but if you are making these small mistakes, then you're really not ever going to get to your goal. So let's dive in and go over the five biggest mistakes I see people make when it comes to Facebook advertising.

Mistake Number 1

The first big mistake is concentrating on how many followers you have. People think that the best marketing objective when setting up a Facebook ad campaign is to get more likes and followers. Honestly it really applies to any social media network. Even if you're trying to get more YouTube subscribers or more Instagram followers or any social media. The truth is the money is not in the number of followers that you have. I know several people who have well over a hundred thousand and well over 500 thousand subscribers that make pennies the dollar compared to some people with much smaller channels. And the same thing goes for Instagram,YouTube etc. If you just have a lot of followers but you don't have the business sense, the business savvy on the back-end and know how to actually turn those followers into money then it really doesn't matter.

If you have five hundred thousand followers or a million followers on Facebook and don't know how to sell to them then you still have no business. So the key is to really understand how to go through and start generating sales from a small following. That would be much better than first focusing on getting this massive following and then deciding that you are going to make money later. There's not a quicker way that you're going to go broke than focusing on just likes or followers on whatever social network you're trying to build, believe me.

I talk to a lot of Facebook influencers and it's crazy how they have grown these big followings, but they're still broke because they don't know how to monetize it. They don't know how to sell anything to those people. And so this big old following just really doesn't benefit them whatsoever. So the first biggest mistake is going for likes or followers and having that be your sole focus.

What I would go for instead is building an email list. Because if you're building an email list then you're able to have a way of communicating with them. You will be able to sell things to them much easier. You can even leverage that email list to build your following on Facebook or even YouTube or Instagram. Whatever platform you want to grow.

That's exactly what I did. I was only focused on building my email list and then on the back end, after somebody already opted into my email list, I would recommend join, my Facebook group, which I was able to grow to over 7,000 real estate agents in just a few months And then now more recently I've been focused on hey, go subscribe to my youtube channel We've got tons of free content over there and I've been able to grow that to over 20,000 subscribers in the last 12 months Which obviously I get it.

There's a lot of chance to grew a whole lot faster than I did. But you know It's a good start and honestly if you look at it I'm able to go through and Using the strategy make a lot more money than some of the channels that might be ten times the size of my channel!

Facebook advertising

Mistake Number 2


The second biggest mistake I see people make with Facebook advertising is not focusing on the right audiences. Now Facebook wants to help you out. They want to give you all of this material to go through to be successful. But by giving you all of this information, all of these different audiences you can target, a lot of times that's what keeps you from actually being successful. Now about a year ago Facebook took away the demographic targeting and everyone freaked out. Everyone was thinking Facebook ads were done, they're dead. Honestly for me and a lot of my friends that spend a lot of money on advertising it really did not faze us at all. The reason is that we are not going through and targeting any of those demographics.

So if you were, then you know that it was not a good strategy for your business because now you can't do that targeting. And it is the same with the interests targeting of people, like people interested in basketball or people interested in football or whatever the topic might be. Everyone else is going through and clicking those same things.

Things like targeting people that are interested in real estate or people interested in making money online or whatever it is. You're fighting with so many other Facebook Advertisers and it's this massive red ocean where you want to create your own blue ocean. So what do you want to do when it comes to targeting specific audiences with your Facebook advertising? You want to focus on building your own custom audiences. Now what is a custom audience? That is anyone that has been a previous client. Maybe they bought some product from you or they have used your service or whatever.

It might be anyone that has been a lead. So you have their their phone or email address and you're able to go and give that to Facebook and say here's a list of people that are my potential clients. People that I want to go through and market to. It could be anyone that visits your website, anybody that has interacted with your Facebook page. These are all custom audiences because they've already had interaction with your business. So it's kind of like more of that re-targeting play which is basically advertising like Amazon where you go and check out a product now all of a sudden you're seeing this product all over the place, right?

So you're able to do that with your marketing. You're using these custom audiences that you're showing your offers to. This very targeted group as opposed to hey, I want to just target everyone that is real estate agent. That's just too broad of an audience and you're really not going to see that great of results. So what you do is you take this custom audience and then you start to focus on a 1% targeted audience.

So the way that works is you go to Facebook and say hey here is my custom audience. Here's all of my leads and I want you to find other people that look just like these leads. So they have the same interests and maybe the same demographics. Even though you can't target by things like financials or if they're a homeowner or anything like that Facebook still knows that data.

They still have all this data on everyone so they use this data to go help you create these look alike audiences. So this is the big key when it comes to targeting. Focusing on your custom audiences and then when it comes time to scale you focus on those look-alike audiences. Because in that 1% look-alike audience there are 2 million people inside that audience which is were most business owners advertise. And you really don't need a scale beyond the 1% look-alike audience until you're spending more than $2,000 per day on your advertising. A lot of people don't really ever get to $2,000 per day on your advertisement. If you really want to ramp up your advertising results check out this program ->>> "Sense Drill" by clicking HERE now

Mistake Number 3

Now to number 3. I would say this is not just for newbies. This mistake is made by intermediate and even some advanced people. And this is something that I struggled with for a long time. Having tracking set up. This is about not knowing your numbers. My whole strategy for the last two or three years was saying, I'm going to put X amount into Facebook ads and as long as I'm making money back out, then I'm good, right? So let's say I put a thousand bucks into Facebook advertising for the week or whatever and then if I made two thousand or three thousand dollars back out then that is perfect.

So I made money, I'm good and I'm just going to pocket it. But I wasn't really keeping track of anything. The bad thing about this is it adds a lot of stress. Unneeded stress to your life. Because you just have no idea where you are with your business. The same thing goes if you're trying to lose weight, for example, but you never weigh yourself. You wouldn't know if you are actually losing weight or not. If you're not tracking your calories or you are not actually taking measurements you could go three months and not know if you lost weight. You could've lost ten pounds. But by just looking at yourself in the mirror, you can't really tell that you lost weight or how many pounds.

So you have got to measure. You have to track you have to go through on a daily basis and track. How much money did you spend? And how much money did you make? How many leads did you generate? What's the lifetime value of those leads? You have got to have all of this tracking in place! And do it on a day to day basis.

Tracking has been like the biggest revelation to me. It's been so much easier on my mental state and I've been able to be a lot more confident in scaling my ad buys. Scaling my business has been a lot better and it's just brought me a lot more peace of mind.

Hey, don't worry. It's all fine. Just look at the numbers. You still made money, right? So that's the big thing for number three is tracking. Make sure you're tracking and don't just rely on the numbers inside the Facebook ad manager. Actually make sure that you're tracking.

Mistake Number 4

The number four biggest mistake most people make when it comes to Facebook advertising is once again I'm going to quote Stephen R.Covey - they don't begin with the end in mind. They go after likes or leads or whatever it might be. But after they generate the lead they have no idea what they're gonna do with it. This is something that I messed up with about three years ago. When I was kind of really diving into all this stuff is I would go through and I'd run ads. Then I had some low ticket offer of like fifty bucks and I didn't have that full funnel concept set up. Honestly if you're selling just a fifty dollar item with no funnel to follow up you're going to lose money every single time. So you need to have the whole funnel laid out.

What does that look like? Are you gonna be selling them a high ticket item? Are you gonna be taking them through a lot of lower ticket items? If you are a real estate agent are you going and try to book appointments from those leads? And then sell them a home which is gonna be somewhat of a high ticket item? And then make all of that money back. So think about where you are headed with your ads and where you want to take the customer.

So that is another big mistake that I see a lot of Facebook advertisers make. They just throw money at Facebook ads thinking that they're gonna magically make money. Because all these guys on YouTube are making money with Facebook Ads. But if you don't begin with the end in mind. And you don't understand the funnel. If you don't understand where you're taking these people. And you don't have that all mapped out. You are once again going to lose money every single time. If you really want to ramp up your advertising results check out this program ->>> "Sense Drill" by clicking HERE now

Mistake Number 5



So the fifth and final mistake in Facebook advertising is you don't have a Facebook advertising budget and/or your budget is not targeted.

So you have a book funnel. You've got a challenge funnel. And you've got all these different funnels but as you're starting out you don't have this massive advertising budget. You need to focus ninety to ninety five percent of your marketing budget on one single funnel nothing else!

You cannot try and follow the "Big Guns". They have this massive budget and they have this whole team that can go through and create all of these different funnels. They can test out different offers and it's just way more than you or me could probably go through. So if you only have let's say a hundred dollars a day or a thousand dollars a day or even five thousand dollars a day - focus on one funnel. And and most of that money can go through cold audiences. And then have a little bit of that that budget going towards re-targeting the people that you've already interacted with.

If you take a look at guys like Sam Ovens, for example. Sam Ovens has been able to grow extremely fast and he has one funnel, just one funnel. All of his ads go into this one webinar funnel and he has nothing else. He has one webinar funnel that sells a two thousand dollar ticket item. Then he has an upsell to a six thousand dollar ticket item. And then he's got an upsell to his mastermind program.

That's it! That's as simple as his business is. He doesn't have a book funnel. He's doesn't have a challenge funnel. He doesn't have any of these other funnels. It's literally the one webinar funnel. And then once people get through there he has the upsell to the six thousand dollars. Then they go to his $25,000 mastermind or whatever it is. That's it. And he spends a lot of money every single day. He is spending almost a hundred thousand dollars per day on advertising now. That is Facebook, Instagram and Google. All of that money on just one funnel.

So when you are trying to start all of these different funnels and scattering your focus you're going to just fail so quickly. Focus on one funnel and don't scatter your advertising budget. Because if you've got $20 going here and $20 going there you're not gonna get enough information and enough data to know which funnel is actually working. Or why it's working or why it's not working. So pick one funnel and then go and put a majority of your advertising budget behind that one funnel.


So those are the five key principles of what to avoid when you're getting start with Facebook Ads. If you liked this post please give me thumbs up, leave me a comment or a vote. Thanks a million for reading my post and I'll catch you wonderful people later!!

Post from Look5.info Reviews

If you really want to ramp up your advertising results check out this program ->>> "Sense Drill" by clicking HERE now!


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://look5.info/5-mistakes-newbies-make-with-facebook-ads-2019/


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