The death defying ladders of Sallet Hole Mine, Stoney Middleton, Derbyshire.

in #adventure6 years ago

Remember back to when I wrote about entering the dark, damp depths of Watersaw Mine. Last night I arranged to complete the other side of the workings known as Sallet Hole No.1 The official name for Watersaw mine is Sallet Hole No.2. These two mines are about a mile apart but used to connect underneath the hillside via a 150 foot laddered shaft, now blocked from a large collapse caused by a modern day quarry further up the dale.

For this explore, myself and Guy, a non-steemer, met up at a carpark in Stoney Middleton with @adventurewithme (Kingston) and two of his non-steem friends. We geared up and made our way up a public footpath for a 1 mile hike following a heavy flowing stream upwards towards to mine entrance. The uphill ramble warmed us up, ready for the intense activities that were to follow.


The adit entrance to Sallet Hole was much like Watersaw, however there was no incline ramp to the bottom level as we were essentially entering at the foot of the hillside. The stream we had been following disappeared underneath the large metal sheet which blocked the gates to the entrance. "Oh yeah, you will get wet feet on this one" Kingston smiled, as we all began wading in ankle deep water to a small hole at the side of the blocked gates.


Once through the the hole and out of public sight, we found ourselves in a much more stable large tunnel than expected. Going off the experience we had at Watersaw (large collapses and very unstable structures throughout) it was a pleasant surprise to see the workings in such good condition.


We continued to trudge through the sticky mud, following the straight tunnel for about 15 minutes. Various branches broke off the to the left and right along this tunnel, but all were blocked just a few meters in. We continued straight following the only route available. Guy stopped and began looking at something peculiar in the mud on the ground. "What you looking at mate?" I asked as I stopped to investigate. There was an almost monster-like footprint in the mud. Large with small claw holes. "It's just the water dripping from the roof that's made it look like that" I reassured Guy, and we continued to catch up with the others.


We soon came to a different build up in the tunnel and the familiar iron arches we knew from Watersaw were now present, but not constant, reinforcing weaker sections of the rock tunnel no doubt. We continued straight passing numbered alcoves, probably used as area markers when the mine was active.



The tunnel opened up again and to our right was large hole punched into a wall with a yellow sign above reading"No road unless authorised". We had a quick nosey inside where a set of ladders could be seen taking a route up and over the tunnel we had come from. "That leads into the 18th Century lead mine workings, bit sketchy to be honest!" Kingston informed us, and we returned to the original route.


A few meters ahead and we came to our first obstacle. A concrete block wall with two drainage pipes penetrating to allow water to flow out towards the entrance. There was a convenient section of wall missing, perfect for us to squeeze through and continue our adventure into the depths.


Once through the wall, the water level was much higher, just above the ankles and absolutely freezing. The rest of the group had brought wellies, but me being the 'know it all' had only taken my army combat boots which were instantly invaded by the cold murky water.


We pressed on forwards until we came a fork in the tunnel. The left passage had suffered a huge collapse and was unable to be passed. Straight ahead lead into darkness and to the right, directed by a green arrow sign, was the medical room. We took the right passage and went to investigate this man made building, equipment still present inside in a rusting decayed state.20180322_190038.jpg



The fuse box to the entire mining operation was also located here and made for a brilliant photo!


After a few minutes rest, we progressed forwards around the left side of the medical room to another concrete block wall, hidden behind a back filled mound of dirt. The doorway was covered with a plastic sheet and one by one, we dropped through into the knee deep freezing water.


A convenient pipe ran along the left side of this next section of tunnel, assisting us in making our way forwards without wading in knee deep water. The water is known to be very toxic here, most likely due to combination of rotting timber, rusting iron and old machinery fuel left to waste. The last thing we wanted was our clothing to be falling off of us as we waded through!


The next few hundred meters consisted of more of the same, blocked branches to the left and right and mud and water to battle with heading forwards. We continued to pass through arched sections and then emerge back into solid rock before we finally arrived at our favorite and most exciting aspects of mine exploring... LADDERS!




"Let's just continue past these ladders, see where this tunnel ends" Kingston suggested. "OK, have you been up those ladders before?" I replied. "None of this part mate, it's all new and unexplored to us." If there is one thing I love about mine exploring it's standing on virgin explored ground. The adrenaline of not knowing what lies ahead is incomparable.


We soon came to small collapse within the iron arches. The timber slats that made up the arched walls had completely rotted through and allowed the loose rock above to cave into the tunnel. We carefully stepped over and crawled through a hole in the rock face which brought us to a huge upwards mud slope. Kingston sent one of his mates up first to investigate as the rest of us stood clear at the bottom, dodgy falling rocks as the lead man climbed the steep incline.


"It's a dead end!" he shouted down, voice muffled from the large distance he made between us. "Come back down then mate, let us clear the area though before you send more rocks at us!" We retreated to the safety of the iron arches whilst he made his descent back to regroup.


"Back to those ladders then!" Kingston instructed the group and we retraced our steps back into the stable section of tunnel where the ladder lead upwards out of sight, the range of sight separated by rotting timber platforms and 'false floors'. One by one we climbed up the ladders, the first ladder being the smallest the third and final ladder being the longest and very wobbly!



"I can't believe I've just climbed those!" Guy muttered, nerves clearly arriving far too late as he emerged onto the final platform and the safety of the solid ground upper level. Guy is terrified of heights, as am I, but when you are underground you can't see the bottom to know how high you are!


We took a rest after the 40 foot climb before investigating the mine 'tipper' cart still in-situ on the rail tracks.



"Let's get a move on then lad's, we've been in here an hour already!" Kingston implied as the group motivated to continue pushing forwards, deeper and deeper into the hills. We soon came a series of ore chutes, much different from the ones I have seen before, these were large shafts adjacent to the rails, where the tipper carts would pour the rock and ore down the the level below or from the level below via a winch.




After about 10 minutes of walking we came to a dead end, a corrugated tin archway with a call point was all that remained, then to the right was more ladders...


"Up or down?" Kingston asked. "Let's keep going up!" I replied. The group agreed, unknowing of what we had all agreed on... There were in fact five ladders, each getting bigger at the separating false floor landings. "This is mental lad's, be fucking careful!"


One at a time we started climbing the laddered shaft. 150 feet of ladders above our heads, all rusted and supported by rotting timber beams and shuttering. This was up there with one of the most stupid and reckless ladder climbs I've ever encountered underground! Nerves eating at me, I began to climb the ladders, it was so high you couldn't even hear to lads already at the top, it was difficult to even see the torches up there!


Finally, after about 4 or 5 minutes of constantly upward ladder climbing, I emerged at the top to join Kingston and his 2 mates. "Where's your mate?" They all asked. "Good question... GUY?" I shouted down the shaft. "I'm gonna wait down here, fuck that mate..." Guy shouted back up, his muffled words only just heard from the bottom of the 150 foot shaft. He had bottled it, so we progressed quickly onto the upper levels for a quick scope. The time was cracking on now anyway so we would have to start making our return soon.


This whole level was on a false floor, mud covered timber flooring with god knows how many feet of deadly void below us... We carefully followed the rails passing numerous old signs and ore chutes as we headed towards a large set of doors at the end of the tunnel. "Looks like some sort of loading dock" I said out loud as we neared a carriage of mine carts set on rail which ran over a servicing pit.




We were indeed in the servicing docks and soon after the carts, came the canteen/staff room. Another block building within the tunnels, no doubt for added stability and peace of mind whilst the miners ate their lunches. Inside was a table with a selection of old cans and food pots, faded and rusting from the damp environment they had been left in over the years. Many brands with old logo's were fascinating to see, some of which I can remember from being a kid!




We exited the canteen and continued to end of the passage where a collapse stopped us going any further. An old alarm callpoint and winch stood at top of an ore chute but no obvious or safe route up or down could be found. We decided to call it a day and made our way back to the now dreaded ladders. 15 minutes later and after a lot of 'umming' and 'arring', we all safely made it back to the middle level where Guy waited patiently in the pitch dark silence.



"Wish I'd manned up and come with you" he said, "serious paranoia sat down here on your own!"

We laughed and continued on the path back the first set of ladders. Initially we thought these ladders were a bit sketchy, but after experiencing the really sketchy 5 tier ladders, these now seemed like a walk in the park.


Soon enough we were all at the bottom and wading through the mud and water; retracing our steps back towards to the entrance. We still had the mile walk from the adit to the car on top of what we already had to get through in the mine! It was dark by the time we reached fresh air. My tendonitus was flaring up in my hips by the halfway point. Moans and groans apparently gushing out of everyone...

Finally we arrived back at the cars, relieved for a comfortable sit down and well earned beer! "Definitely returning here, I think we have 3 or 4 more trips to that place before we see it all" I suggested to the group. "Yes mate definitely, we will get it arranged soon!" Kingston replied, and we headed our separate ways for bath and bed!

As always, I hope you enjoyed my latest explore, and if you did, please take a look at my other adventures HERE.


Hi @praada! You have received 1.0 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

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I was expecting this to be more claustrophobic and freak me out more. But it was really interesting and nothing looked claustrophobic. The ladders would have freaked me out though. I think I'd have been like Guy. But the time waiting in the dark for you would have seemed like forever.

Yeah the ladders tested my nerves big time! We are going to return later I think! I want to try and film some of it as the photos really don't any justice

welllllllllllll. LOLOLOL by putting the number 1 after the word (tip) i bumped up your tip to be 10 times what it was supposed to be. hahahahaha

sooooooooooo. you just got your entire tip on one post LOLOLOL

sheesh. i did it to andy too. LOLOLOL aye yi yi. i meant to say 1 of 5. but it read it as...
ahhhhh nevermind! ENJOY!!!! :) HEHEHEHE

hahhahaha is this what made you almost miss my Hunt?!?!?! LOLOLOL

wow - crazy! and Guy was INSANE for staying there by himself waiting for you all hahahahaha

had so many favorite pics in this one!!! but i have to say - i also liked the soda cans ;) super cool. and another favorite.... the one where someone is crawling through a hole - all you can see is an arm and a leg... kinda creepy hahahahaha

great work!!! :)

Haha yes it is! So glad i actually won a couple this week, defo no sleepy pirate this time haha

i'm glad too!!! :) I had a crazy last 24 hours - i'll post about it in a bit. hehehe but yer prizes... they be comin' in a few minutes!!! hehehe I just need to write it all down from PYPT because i had to shut down my computer FAST right after the Hunt. (lightning!)

Always love your work and this post doesnt disappoint. Awesome stuff.

Thank you I really ache today after this one. Got in about midnight and at work for 7am. Just finished, time to put the feet up:)

Awesome deep dive adventure!

Thanks to @randomwanderings, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Daily tip! 1 of 5 :) Thanks for being one of @dreemsteem 's pirates! :)

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