Fear of flying againsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #adventure7 years ago (edited)


I wrote a post a couple of weeks back on how I've developed a fear of flying. I now want to tell you my 6 secrets facts that will cure your fear of flying. They work for me, for the first time in many years, I know I can get onto a plane without worrying about it too much.
It's all down to statistics. I've convinced myself that the chances of dying in a plane crash are infinitesimally small and that I have more chance of dying before I've left the house in the morning, or by falling out of bed, or by being hit on the head by a coconut than I have of dying in a plane crash. Here are my favourite 6 reassuring statistics.

Statistic #1
I'm sure you've all heard that it's much safer flying in a plane than driving a car. Do you know how much? Well you have a 1 in 11,000,000 chance that you'll die in a plane crash and only a 1 in 5,000 chance of dying in a car crash. So you're about 2000 times more likely to succumb to an automobile accident. The old cliché that you are more likely to die in the car on the way to the airport than actually in the plane seems to be correct.

Statistic #2
This was a live snapshot around an hour ago of the air traffic around London/Paris, Aceh (as you guys seem to be huge on Steemit), and the US East and West Coast. Wow, look how many planes are in the air! This doesn't include the small planes, mostly just the ones carrying a few hundred passengers. These images come from www.flightradar24.com, it's a great website if you've never used it before. Before these planes have landed, you can be pretty sure that not one of them is going to crash and look how many there are in the air at the same time.

Statistic #3
I have lived on airplane flight paths all my life. Not once has a plane ever crash landed anywhere near my house.

Statistic #4
Almost everyone knows someone who is a member of cabin crew or a pilot. These people fly for a living, these people who are in the air for many hours a week, every week and its unlikely that your friend has ever been in an air accident. How much less likely is it for you if you are only flying a few days every year.

Statistic #5
Even if you are involved in an air crash, 95.7 percent of passengers involved survive.

Plane_crash_into_Hudson_River_(crop) (1).jpg

Statistic #6
Remember around the world twice as many left handed people die ever year using tools designed for the right handed than die in plane crashes!


I should have linked this to my original fear of flying post.

The statistics are good but every time the airplane hits a bad pocket of turbulence i almost poop in my pants. lol

I know @edkarnie, it's hard to keep repeating the mantra of the 6 reassuring statistics when everyone is flashing worried looks at each other during a bout of turbulence.

Don't look at the reactions of the PAX, look at the reactions of the most senior cabin crew, to asses the severity of the situation. :)

Wise words, from someone who spent years in cabin crew. If someone feels that re: statistic #4 that they don't know anyone who worked in cabin crew, then here is your opportunity to correct that, follow @josie2214.

Great article, like may I too suffer from a fear of flying and found that reading and exploring the statistics and subject, calmed my fears somewhat. I too have a similar article on the matter if you wanted to calm the fears a little more, https://steemit.com/travel/@bluejack7/scared-of-flying
Not trying to advertise, just hoping to add to the discussion. Thanks for the post

Hi @bluejack7. That's a great post, it's a pity it didn't do better. Hopefully this comment upvote goes a little way to compensating.

Thanks mate, nah enjoyed writing it and who knows may have helped the 1 or 2 that read it.

@Josie2214 too has a great fear of flying article and as it's only 3 days old, you can still give it an upvote, it's at https://steemit.com/aviation/@josie2214/cabin-crew-cronicles-ii-fear-of-flying-201788t193323730z

I am blushing.
You advertise me too much. xD

We're all here to help each other out.

personally i overcame my fear of flying in two ways.
a. i went out and got a pilots licence
b. i saw on youtube a video where boeing was testing the flexibility of an airplane wing. it was unbelievable. the pressure tolerance level.
now when i fly i only get afraid when the guy in front of me decides to push back his seat when i'm eating

The pilot's licence thing was what gave me the fear in the first place, see https://steemit.com/travel/@maxbullion/fear-of-flying , but your absolutely right, I've seen what those wings can take and the bit of flexing you see out the window is nothing compared to that.

Like this one

a worthy upvote

Thanks @citizenluke

i thank you

When I was little, once after having considered what ever could I be doing in my life, I came up to my mom and asked - Could I become a cabin crew, when I grow up?
She said a categorical no and continued with - All the planes take off to crash.
Needless to say, I've proved her wrong.

Well done Josie, I'm assuming in all your years in cabin crew that you were never in a plane crash?

I've not even heard that anyone of the colleagues or even anyone at the airport would have needed to do an evacuation as a precaution. Surely diversions due to the weather conditions are common, but they are merely inconveniences if we are looking at it from the safety perspective.

I'm going to add that as 'statistic #7'. That is actually a really comforting one.

Very comforting info! I have some anxiety about flying across the pond to see my Mom. Thank you!

Ah, don't worry. The bits I find the worst are the taking off and the landing and all the bits in between....

Wow your final sentence hit me hard as my daughter is left handed!!! Lol must get her some proper scissors 😂
Following - love your style ... and Ireland

Thanks @sallybeth23, get those scissors off her immediately and get down to the Leftorium ASAP!

I have this fear...unfortunately

You'll get over it eventually hopefully. I sometimes think it's a lack of control when your at the mercy of the pilot. I feel the same way too sometimes when I'm in a car as a passenger.

My mom is flying since she was 20, still she does have a fear) Only pills can reduce her fear)
Is it allowed to swear in steemit? Like fck and sht

Well now you can share the 6 reassuring statistics with her. Hopefully that will help.

Already shared) But it's neurological thing, you know, nothing will help her already) Anyway, she still flying and will fly, because she want to have a good rest out of our country)

When you're worried about going on holiday and then worrying about coming home from holiday it takes a little bit of the fun out of the bit in between.

that's sad that you have a fear of flying... i like flying... i love the moment when a plane leaves the ground ^_^

Surely you mean that's the worst bit? 😱

no :D
when a plane moves on the place where it starts biuld up its power for that run-before-fligh, and you can not just hear but feel all its engines under you, and it pushes you into a chair a little like you are a cosmonaut... don't you feel proud for the mandkind who managed to be more powerful then a gravity? and that you also have an access to this great invention? i do :)
that's why i like this moment :)

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