Exploration in the night - the tunnels beneath Orbita radarstation

in #adventure7 years ago


Last weekend we decided with some friends to check out some abandoned places. As always, we only manage to regroup by the evening, when it's dark outside and it makes approaching the sites double the creepy. Add to the fact that we had no idea about the locations of some of the places and you get an interesting evening.

We decided to visit an old abandoned chemical plant at first, but unfortunately it was under heavy lock and key, so we set our sight on another place near - the underground Orbita radarstation.

I couldn't find much information about the station. It seems it was used as a radarstation and a bunker by the Soviets, back in the day, but upon the Soviet troops moving out, it was deserted and now they look and feel like a scene from a horror movie.


So, the evening is late already and normal people are sleeping, but we park the car, where the GPS has led us and approach the site.

Parking lot. Looks safe and not creepy at all.


Someone has watched some TV here. And deciding on the model, quite recently, it's a "Novosti" modern black & white TV! *


The road takes us deeper into the forest. Would a sane person go that way during the night? Taking a sip of emboldening drink ** and we press on. The road seems to spiral downward into sime kind of valley, where no light is seen.


A deserted house can be barely seen in the dark in light of our flashlights. We're getting closer to the radarstation. We explore the empty house, it has been once a home to junkies and homeless people, but probably the eerie atmosphere has driven even them away.



Finally, we make it to the radar station. We enter the tunnels. My flashlight can barely make out the end of the corridor. We push on.


After a little walking, the corridor starts splitting up into multiple directions, we take the one on the left. Or is it right? The sense of direction is gone. Anyone has a map?

This is what the rooms look like down here. Moisture and rust. Paint peeling off the walls and what little furniture is left down here.



The place is teeming with deathtraps. Holes without lids that take you meters downward who knows where. Luckily i got my buddies with me, right? Wait, huh, where are they?


The staircase takes us deeper underground. There is no light except our own, so if our flashlights should fail, im not sure we could find our way out any more. We're already deep into the underground structure.


Deeper underground the rooms get creepier. I dont understand if the rooms have been burned or is it time, that has given the place such a look.


Luckily there are no bulletholes anywhere, else some people from the group could get the heebie-jeebies. Oh wait, what are those?


The rust peeling off metal constructions is almost beautiful


Moving on. What the hell? These are candles on the ground. Has someone or something been conducting rituals here? Not cool! But i have an idea...


... I decide to scare my friends here. They look scared, don't they? :)


After the scare, my friends decide not to explore any more and I really cannot blame the cowards. We find another tunnel that takes us to the other side of the bunker on the foot of the hill. We circle back and make it safely to the car. Loved it.


*name of the TV is made up

**yeah we had some drinks

Thanks for reading, chat with you later!

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My husband has these excursions nowhere to take photos. He'll love this post.

Thanks for pointing me this way :) I did enjoy this post and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your excursions. I usually take these trips alone so in a way they could be even creepier for me.

Thanks for reading. I would love to have more of these deserted areas around here. My interest in abandoned places got seriously renewed after reading David Morrell's "Creepers", which i recommend for urbex fans.


It was creepy, especially when you disappeared and came out from nowhere 🤔

The whole place was creepy and a surprise to me that such a place existed near our home. Abandoned chem factory still on the radar? :)

...yep. Only when this gunman won't be around...

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Awesome initiative :) Shared your post

Thanks for shared this post I appreciate all picture love your work @furious-one ✌✌

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