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RE: The Standing Rock Bike Tour - Day 10 - The Green Gospel

in #adventure7 years ago

This was a great place to jump into the story! Very engaging writing and bless Ruth and Joette for buying you breakfast :) I am curious as to your method - were you writing nightly on your ride, or writing later looking back in your memory? Very happy to have found you, looking forward to getting to know your back inventory when I have some time :) This is a very impressive post! Your song rocks! Sort of a Cake x G Love with Special Sauce vibe, nice performance!

Even though you are already serializing this, my only constructive criticism would be to seriously consider breaking these down into more manageable chunks. People don't have the time that it takes to properly enjoy a post like this, and only posting one big post every infrequent period doesn't generate the engagement that posting smaller chunks more often would. I mean this in the friendliest of all possible spirits, and of course take it with a grain of salt suitably sized for an alien eyeball on a tentacle.

Cheers - Carl


Thanks Carl!
I'm glad you found my story!
And I'm glad you like the song :)

My strategy for making this book involved taking tons of photos and videos during the ride, then reflecting on everything when I got back from Standing Rock.

And I really appreciate your insight!
Making pennies for putting in such hard work to craft this story was at first, rather disheartening. But I'm working through it, and committed to telling this story, no matter what.

Breaking the chapters down is a good idea. But I probably won't do it, due to organizational purposes.

I want my readers to be able to access all the chapters from my main website- and that just looks better in solid, day by day chunks.

The good news is- the book is already written, and we're still not even 1/2 way through the entire story. (Everything really picks up when I'm actually at Standing Rock)

Hopefully its reach will grow more as I start tapping into more Steemit communities and resources.

If it doesn't- well at least I got to share my story with some cool people along the way. :)

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