Discover Rapunzel's Tower in Lindau Germany

in #adventure6 years ago


Do you like childhood stories? If you do you can imagine my excitement when I discovered what may be presumably the original Rapunzel's tower.
Traveling from Germany on our way to Austria and then Switzerland we made a stop at this beautiful town in Germany called Lindau.



Lindau is cute romantic town on the Lake Constance in Bavaria Germany.
Besides the beautiful Lake there is a stone lighthouse a picturesque Harbor and beautiful mountain views.

I took a short coffee break, it was good!


I saw these ancient looking shoes outside of a high-end store. If they ever regained popularity whould you wear them?


In the harbor there is a Majestic Bavarian Lion statue a that stand guard to this beautiful town. The lion statue reminded me of Simba in the Disney movie The Lion King.

On the harborfront Seepromenade, the 12th-century Mangturm is a former watchtower with a pointed, tiled roof.

The old town hall, Altes Rathaus.



Here is my boi Ciccio meeting friends in the neighborhood. 😎


Here is a closer look at the Rapunzel Tower.


At the tip of Lake Constance Harbor stands the Lindau Lighthouse. It has an average height of 33m and and a circumference of 24m at its base. There is also a large elegant clock in its facade.

I hope you enjoyed this journey with me.

What did you like about this town ?

Whould you go visit ?

See you soon on my next trip!


Caribbeanmon 👊🏾


Beautiful photos we have the longing to visit these picturesque areas thanks to the participation

Didn't know about it, I thought it was pure immagination! Instead Rapunzel is still there!

This is very interesting, the town looks classical of some sorts...I will put it in my list of places to visit.

Fun to read your post! Very good.

Wow, quite romantic little place. I didn’t know there is actually a real Rapunzel tower... Nice post and pictures, thank for sharing!

realy nice sights :)

Oh my! These are truly phenomenal and breath taking sights. Great for historical view of artistic excellence. This makes one really want to tour and see some of these for real. Thanks for showing us this.

What wonderful colors are expressed in those photographic scenes, each trip, each experience elevates us, increases our cultural level, makes us grow as people when interacting with different beliefs. In short, traveling is a luxury that we should never stop giving.

Good post - unique little town. Thanks for the glimpse. I love the care that went into those shoes - I'd wear them :-)

You got a 22.22% upvote from @ebargains courtesy of @caribbeanmon!

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