in #adsactly6 years ago (edited)

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The cry of a baby was heard as Isabel used the last strength she had to push. Exhausted, she collapsed into a long deep sleep.

Hours later, she was awake, Victor, her husband was by her side holding her hands lovingly all the while she had been asleep. She woke up and feebly said to him, "Darling, what of our baby?" "She's just right beside you, sweetie", he replied. She tried to sit up as she turned to her right to see the baby sleeping adorably in its cot. Victor whispered to her," it's a baby girl”. She nodded slightly as she lifted up the baby out of its cot gently and held her in her arms. The Campbells smiled down at their baby joyfully, this was their first child after their wedding over a year ago. Victor placed a kiss on her forehead slowly and further whispered, “we made it, sweetie. We both made it"."Yeah, we did and I guess we’ve got God to thank"
Soon, the doctor who delivered Isabel of her baby walked into the room and said to Victor, "Mr Campbell, please come with me to my office"."Alright, doc. I will he pleaded. shortly”, He responded. A little worried, Isabel asked, "Doc, is everything alright?. "Yes, ma'am", he replied smiling then he left for his office. Victor joined the doctor in his office in few minutes and took a seat. The doctor prescribed some drugs for his wife which he would get at the hospital's pharmacy within its premises and also advised him to get her some fruits and food immediately. When the doctor was done with him, Victor shook hands with the doctor and left the room to meet his wife and baby. He informed Isabel that he was going to get food for her." Please don't stay out for too long”, Isabel pleaded."I promise not to, dear”, he assured her. He quickly planted a kiss on her cheek and hurried out of the hospital.
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Just outside the hospital's gate, an unknown gunman grabbed Victor and forced him into an already parked bus and it drove off.
There were two other hefty men in the bus too, they both gagged and blindfolded him. Victor was scared to his bones and he prayed fervently in his heart.

After about forty minutes, the bus finally came to a halt. Victor was roughly pulled out of the bus to an unknown building. He was pushed to the floor in one of the rooms in the building. He yelled out, but was kept shut by a slap from one of the men."Please, who are you brothers? At least give me the opportunity to see your faces”, he pleaded. "Do you want me to hit you again?!", one of the men asked him as Victor's yelling irritated him. Victor kept completely mute this time, but he was visibly shaking.
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Minutes later, a fierce-looking man in dark shades walked into the room, he ordered one of the men to take off the blindfold on Victor. He did. He gasped as he recognized the man in dark shades," Diamond!"."Yes, it’s I, “the man replied with a malicious smile across his face," I warned you severally before, didn’t I?” with that he brought out a gun from the side pocket of his trousers and pointed it towards him and he ordered, “Move outside!".He jerked himself up and moved out sheepishly. "Put your hands up and don't look back!", the man further ordered. Victor complied. After moving a few distance away from the building, the man barked at him," Get on your knees!"He pleaded, “Please don't do anything crazy. Think this through. You won't gain anything from this."Keep shut! It's too late for all these. Get on your knees I say!",the man yelled at him. Victor felt helpless and confused, he refused to get on his knees and decided to do what he thought was the best. He tried to escape, but three gunshots stopped him‹‹‹‹‹››››
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(What happened to Victor???
Find out in the next episode)

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