Special children - Preparing Holidays

in #adsactly6 years ago (edited)

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     Today in our society are included with great freedom people who have different special needs among which may be physical, psychological, neurological or mental; for no one is it a secret that these individuals belong and live within a family group; which from the moment of his birth or diagnosis changes his life radically to each one of the members that belong to that small society.

     Although it may seem crazy to have a member of the family who has some special condition is a blessing because they show us and teach us a different way of seeing life, to value and appreciate what God has given us, fighting every moment to get ahead and get the well-being of that little defenseless person who shares his existence with us.


     As the psychologist Aldo Barbero, specialist in children with autism, puts it:
     The family is the engine of these children and it is up to you parents to develop their children, with their help they can overcome all barriers and be great in this life. There is nothing a condition child can not achieve if they have the support and union of the family, it is important to include the child in the outside world and help them face and overcome their fears so that they are part of society.
     These words give us a vision of very protective parents with children and when one of their children has a special condition, they do not want that little person so loved by us to suffer or meet the cruel monster of an invasive society that could harm him or come to alter the stability with which our great treasure lives, for this reason it is necessary to understand and face reality leaving aside fears; we must continue forward weighing that at the end of the road is success for our children.

     It is vital to accept the needs that our children present in order to help them. Refusing to accept their condition, puts at risk and compromises the progress of the infant, therefore, it is essential to document a lot and look for specialists in the field to explain what strategies can be used to make life as pleasant as possible to our children , including them in a satisfactory way in society, helping them to overcome fears when they leave their homes, fears that perhaps for others are silly but for them they are terrifying, protecting them from the ruthless criticism of people, explaining calmly and in a simple way, so that they understand things, since there are people who can become destructive doing harm to others.

     Now, it is known that the life of the whole family changes, however, it must continue, trying to adapt to the situations that arise by doing everything possible to enjoy every minute of our permanence in this world. For this reason a factor of great importance in the union and family stability is the enjoyment of free time, go for a walk, share a game, go on vacation, all these activities, probably for some families these activities are somewhat routine or do not involve complications , but for others it can be somewhat stressful, since depending on the special condition of one of its members, this brings with it a series of expectations that must be met in order to achieve the proposed purpose, such as ENJOYING THE FAMILY.

     Special children should be treated with respect and seriousness by all those people who have the privilege of being in contact with them, in their homes, their schools, their communities so that they feel safe when it comes to unfolding in new environments and do not fear new experiences, vacation trips for them should be an activity of enjoyment as for the rest of the people but in reality they are a new challenge to face evidencing that only with the help and support of their loved ones Dear ones can be victorious keeping in their subconscious that if they can, even though people may distrust, criticize and even make fun of them, with their families they will be able to get ahead and achieve what they propose in life.

     For the family group where there is a child with a special condition it is a challenge to go on vacation, this implies having to leave the comfort zone where the child develops, depending on the condition that the child presents this activity is going to become a total challenge.

Normally, on a family holiday adults with children should focus on organizing and storing the personal effects of each of the members supervising that everything necessary is packed for the holiday trip, in the case of a family with a child of special condition this exit is more complicated, you must first plan with great certainty and dedication what you are going to do, what you will need in the trip, it is necessary to have a contingency plan in case there is an emergency during the rest period.

     Next, the conditions to which the child will be exposed must be evaluated, analyze if their physical and emotional integrity will be affected by the temporary change in order to evaluate the possibilities of stabilization and adaptation that this may develop during the time it will be Removed from the tranquility and comfort to which he is accustomed in his home. It is important to remember that children who have some condition are mostly routine, which is why they live with a pre-established rhythm of life, that is, changes are uncomfortable or stressful and sometimes they are intransigent when accepting a modification to Your habits. Additionally it is essential to consider the diet, since they have a different food and in a large number of cases require a daily medication, all the aforementioned elements are an indispensable part of the child's optimal development.

     For this reason it is recommended that when making a trip:
  • They should be explained in detail the plans they have drawn, trying to prepare them emotionally for the road and so that they will not be greatly affected.
  • The necessary precautions must be taken to cover and satisfy the needs of the minor's diet, without affecting or changing the diet established by their treating doctors, it is advisable to include as part of the luggage the products and foods that are required for the preparation of their meals.
  • It is advisable to take from the home the medication that is given to the child daily and attached to these first aid medications and common diseases such as antipyretics, anti-allergy among others.
  • It is advisable to take the belongings of your preference during the trip as toys, stuffed animals, books so that they feel more comfortable and make it easier for them to adapt to the place where they will be staying during the trip.
     With these small fragments, it is intended to reflect the basic tasks and the simplest to leave family vacations with a child of special condition, this activity should not be left lightly or try to be an adventure where things are resolved as that arise, however, as we are human beings we are not perfect, since perfection is only of God, therefore we must be prepared to face the vicissitudes that arise in the passing of the days without despair and without reaching a collapse , since we parents and adult members of a family are responsible for the stability and well-being of each and every member of the family group.

     Every time we go to a new place with our children it is a new journey, a new experience. I will never forget the impression my autistic son had when he first saw the breaking of a wave in the sea, it was something impressive as something so natural and simple as that caused an effect of bewilderment, terror in him, explain that only it was water and that she was going and returning which, when hitting one another, had that effect, it took more than one trip to the beach having to bathe her with a container sitting on my legs in the sand, the looks of people unfamiliar with the case and even the criticism of many of them were not missing until his little brother did not understand because there was so much fear reflected in his big brother for something that he only carried emotion and joy, but at that time I remembered that he depended on me and that with the supervision, help and patience of his parents was going to conquer that fear.

Source: the author

     The world to which we belong, and much more, the country where we live, is not accustomed to people who act or think differently from others, unfortunately when encountering different people there tends to be criticism, which can affect a lot. child, their emotional and psychological stability is put at risk for this reason we must talk thoroughly with our children so that this type of circumstances do not affect them traumatically.

     It is important to mention the care, in addition to the protection that should be given to any infant during a vacation trip, the more children include the family group, the greater the concern of the parents in that their children do not get hurt during the ride or that one of the children is out of sight during the outing, but it should be noted that when we are in the presence of a special child, on almost all occasions they do not have the ability to measure the danger they run in certain activities or are too innocent to foresee the bad intentions with which any individual that can approach them, which merits greater care and dedication when it comes to monitoring them.

     Considering a relevant and necessary aspect to emphasize that all children require extreme care and attention from parents; have or not some kind of special condition, there are cases where children are extremely careful and organized which generates a bit of tranquility in adults, however in other cases there are children with a high level of hyperactivity and anxiety which can not measure the consequences that may result in their actions on themselves or the people around them, these infants merit a little more care in order to avoid circumstances that put the integrity of them at risk.

     Quoting Dr. Dareen Virtue in her article Being Parents of an Indigo Child exposed in the book The Indigo Children of the Authors Lee Carroll & Jan Tober:
“…As parents, our instinct makes us protect our children, so we automatically fight for their right to succeed, and this often forces us to face our son…”
     From the point of view of logic we as living beings protect our descendants, which sometimes causes disagreements and confrontations between parents and children, differences of opinion will always be present because no one thinks or wants the same as the other, for this type of circumstances one must be creative and look for a new strategy to establish limits that are understood and respected by these children who on many occasions do not comply with the parents' demands because they consider them unnecessary or capricious.

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