I Got Curious What ADSactly Is

in #adsactly6 years ago

Lilacs About To Bust Out!

Enjoy a pretty picture, this will be mostly words!

I have heard people talk about what they think the steemit platform mission is for them. I have watched people try to enforce their idea of what steemit should, could, would or ought to be. I have seen what appears to be a genuine rift among various aspects of, and personalities on, the platform. I have tried to get involved with a couple of the groups on discord because I heard over and over it was an critical part of success on steemit. There seems to be more concensus on the need to be on discord than there is on what "success on steemit" really means.

I have found it helpful to be involved in discord, I feel like I know more about what is going on with steemit. The people in steemit are there just chatting. It is sort of like the blog is where we are on stage, discord is the greenroom where things are much more casual. I joined several groups before I really understood what I was doing. I don't want to just leave them but I am not - could not possibly be - actively involved in them. I have been trying to sort through and decide which ones I really want to put my time and energy into cultivating.

There are a handful of discord rooms that I feel like I am getting "homey" in, I feel like I get what they are trying to do and support it. I feel like I am starting to be recognized and supported by some of the members in the groups. Stumbling into thealliance was my first real attempt to "do discord" and that turned into a wonderfully supportive experience. I also feel like steemengine, qurator, youarehope, steemsilvergold are all groups where I understand them, they are getting to know me, all good stuff!

I did not stumble or bumble into ADSactly. I walked in, curiosity was about to kill this cat. I saw a post called "ADSactly on ADSactly" and it was interesting. It had links to dozens of other self-explanatory posts and that intrigued me. What in the world are they doing that requires so much explanation?! I read a few more posts. I got a vague sense that they were trying to network steemit businesses. That is another thing I have heard often, that the point of steemit is to have a business on the platform. I can't say I really came here for that, I was expecting crytpofacebook. Yep, I am that person. 😁 I am starting to understand how advantageous that would be but I have not really figured out what my thing is. Not yet. At least I am thinking about it now.

ADSactly got me thinking about marketing here because the more I listen to their discord chats and read their posts, the more I get the sense that this is probably the most comprehensive plan on steemit for really setting up the cryptoeconomy. The reason they have so many posts explaining themselves is because they are attempting no less than a mass awakening. Rather than approach the public promises of religious salvation or political r3VOLution they are taking the very practical approach of getting the alternative economy up and running. Never mind "End the Fed." Walk away from it. It is becoming possible.

Maybe I am just off and wrong about what ADSactly is up to, I won't pretend I have read every article or listened to every chat. I have myself spread pretty thin on steemit these days, a problem I am looking to solve. That is why I cleaned out dead followers a while back, and why I was going back through my discord groups and trying to decide which ones I want to try to be actively involved in. I won't even claim I am active in ADSactly, it would be fair to call me a lurker actually. I just found the things I do catch are always a cut above "red pill" and closer to fully "raised awareness" and that excites me, it keeps me coming back to lurk some more...

My husband actually got to listen to just a few minutes the other day. I had been telling him about some of what I was reading and hearing over the past few weeks. He is much more entrepreneurial than I am, he has wanted to set up a business since he got an account. He just has almost no time right now, so we try to keep his account active and growing slowly until he is retired and able to really play with it. That few minutes he heard he described as "the most interesting thing I have heard since I joined steemit." That is high praise, he is not easily impressed.

Perhaps based on the title you thought I was going to be able to tell you what ADSactly is. My apologies, I am still figuring it out. I decided to put this teaser out there because I know I was intimidated by the amount of "recommended reading" for the group, intimidated by the apparent emphasis on marketing, intimidated by the size of the group. I wanted to assure any other curious minnows or plankton out there to jump in, this is one the most interesting little coves in the steemit ocean. I have found @bigtom13 to be always kind and welcoming, @princessmewmew is also consistently gracious and outgoing. I have never had anyone be snippy or unkind and like I admitted, I am not really even sure what I am doing there lol!

If you are hung up on the idea of "free markets" or "capitalism" as being anti-human, may I suggest a different phrase to consider? The voluntary economy. I do not care if you use dollars or silver or carrots, I want you to be free to set the terms of trade yourself. I do not want anyone forced to buy anything they do not want or need and I do not want anyone forced to use a currency they do not trust. This is what ADSactly appears to be attempting to manifest. I think. I am going to have to keep lurking, but I encourage anyone else who is curious to come lurk with me! Here is a post they just put up, exactly the kind of stuff I was talking about - check it out!

You will find links to those posts I mentioned and the link to join the discord. I think @youarehope is a wonderful example of how blockchain charity can solve problems more effectively than governments, and I think @adsactly is the example of how a blockchain eceonomy can be more equitable and profitable than government based economies. Check it out and see what you think, I look forward to seeing you there!



I think you are close to being spot on! You have got the gist, and besides, thats why we have hangouts so often, there is always something happening in the crypto world that is worthy of discussion, and one can only learn through discussion.

Besides bringing about economic freedom via a decentralised monetary system, our society is also a fantastic place to meet like minded people, as you have heard in our hangouts! We would love you to unmute that mic next time and join the conversation, heck, bring your husband too!

Thank you for this wonderful post, and spreading the word.

Very glad you like it! I will screw up my courage and get the mic fired up next time... Probably tomorrow, today is a little nuts around here!

We are having a hang out right neow!

Sorry I missed that! We are getting ready for vacation and I have been running like crazy all week! Will get over there today though!

Your post has been selected as #adsactlyspostoftheday :)

Join us in our Discord channel here to drop your post in our post promotion page, and make sure to use the @adsactly tag in the post itself.


Thank you SO MUCH! What an honor! I was half afraid someone from the ADS team would drop by and say something like "You are funny... and out in left field" lol!

Adsactly is good people sweets. Glad you came across them😎

Never would have happened if you had not tempted me into actually getting involved with a group! Hugs daddy-o!!

Thanks for your analysis of that group.
What would you say is the difference between what you think they're all about, and the overall cryptocurrency revolution? Most of what I hear you saying could be said about cryptos in general.

Well, I guess I would say exactly what you said! Crypto is sort of a "general" financial revolution. ADSactly is being very specific, very deliberate with planning that revolutionary society.

Ah! Sweet words - you definitely got the basics down pat.

I must tell you that I have met some fantastic people through ADSactly. I have met people who are now good friends, and someone who I help teach people in Pakistan English with.


AMAZING!! RIght!! I showed up several times sort of waiting for the "dark side" to appear, never has. Not that it is all kissy huggy nonsense, people are having real conversations about important things, but no one seems to feel the need to get nasty about anything. That is pretty awesome!

Well because of you and this post I just now joined adsactly discord. I'm not sure what Ill find but curious. Also, I have heard of the alliance but not sure how to join it on discord. Do you have to be invited?

You have to apply - the process and links are in this post:
I will watch for you on both groups, I think you will happy you joined!

What a great analysis of the beginning of your ADSactly experience. You hit the nail head on in your use of the term "awakening". There is so much to learn about the way things could be and ADSactly is providing an opportunity for people to share their ideas and hopes for a better option.

I agree with you that the hangouts are such a great experience. Not only are they informative from a crypto perspective, they are fun and you meet lots of great new people. It ends up being a way to put voices to the names and network your ideas.

Great article and I am so happy to hear your ADSactly experience has been so good.

Thank you! You are among the people making it a good experience over there!!

Wow. For not being able to explain you sure did a deal! I like it, a lot!

Adsactly being what it is you are welcome to lurk or thrash about madly. It's all up to you.

I'm sure glad you wrote this post, it's just wonderful.

Thank you! I will take that to mean I have at least my FIRST clue lol!

Yeah, I just vaguely know what ADsactly is. To be honest I participate in Discord with @theallliance. And that is about it.

It's a choice. I have limited time and I would rather spend a lot of my time out in the "trenches" and getting "dirty" with things like Commenting, Curating , and Posting.,

Although I know h Discord it is a wonderful 'connective tool' to build relationships with. And this is a Social Network. So it makes perfect sense.

Right now though I am just doing @theAlliance. And probably stick with doing just this for right now on Discord

I hardly even wandered into discord for the first six months I was here. Many of the things I refused to do early on I came to realize were necessary to keep up with a growing account. It was easy to go by all the blogs I followed when there were only a dozen of them, at over 400 I need some help. I WANT to support these people, I have gotten to know them and know they do good work. There is no way I can get to 400 blogs a day, so I started autovoting, for instance. The discord groups are the same, I wanted to reach a more personal level with the people I was interacting with, that meant getting into the discord chats and chatting with them. So there I am! Thealliance is a totally awesome place to start, and it may be the only group you ever want to be part of. I have about half a dozen groups now that I really enjoy, and I am going to stop looking for any more.

I entered ADSactly and sort of re-entered it a week ago! It's an amazing group and your post is spot-on! Have enjoyed the hangouts too :-)

Going to follow you from now on, you seem like a fun Steemian who takes her time to figure things out!

Thank you, I try to be both of those things lol! Followed back, love your street photos!

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