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RE: Intermittent Fasting (IF 18:6) Diary - Week 3 - #adsactly #ecotrain

in #adsactly6 years ago

Well, I can say that when I started down this similar road I just didn't weigh myself. Even now when people tell me that I look like I have lost a lot and ask how much I have to honestly say, "I dont' know" because for me it was the decision to look and feel better thus knowing my clothes were looser adn that I could see my size shrinking.

For me the scale is a tool that can be like social media, it can lure you in and then trigger you to bad behaviour so I just don't use it.

The low fat thing was such a sneaky way to get more sugar into our diets! Even now, the one 'carb' type thing I use, which is milk, is only the full fat cream which I think is almost completely devoid of the sugars, in my morning coffee. It's just easier to slowly get rid of them.

Another trick, if you feel you are going to 'slip' is take the food you were going to slip with and say, ok, I'm going to do this, I'll jsut cut it in half. And then you still get that food but only half and then next time say I'll just take 1/4. It sounds silly but it really is about retraining your approach to food, at least it was for me.

And this is your daily dose of your diary 'answering back' ;) It's a know it all little diary, isn't it :)


Haha brilliant advice, thank you Ms Answer-back Diary! I love it! xD

Yes, I went shopping in the week and only bought full fat versions of the things we eat rather than the low fat versions. It is crazy to think we have been fed so much bad advice (and sugar) without knowing it all these years! No wonder we have a huge weight epidemic on our hands in western society!

I will defo give the cutting the food in half a go. I ate a bag of donuts yesterday...I don't know why, it just happened! I guess the self sabotage thing is creeping in again... I should have just had the one and let it go, but I thought to myself 'oh well, I have had 1, a couple more wont hurt now will it?!' Big mistake.

Today is a new day however and it is 2:12pm and I am just about to have my first meal of the day. My mind is back on track and I have my healthy dinner all ready to go in the oven. I hope my donuts disaster doesn't throw all the hard work away that I have done.

We shall see at next week's weigh in!

Thanks again for your support! <3

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