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RE: Linacre Reservoirs - Derbyshire, UK - Travelling around the UK - #adsactly

in #adsactly6 years ago

What a beautiful and peaceful place to go for an afternoon. It looks so ralaxing and inviting. Was there something behind the door? Your dog looks happy to be on the walk. The structures are magnificent.


thank you :) there actually was something behind the door! I don't know if you have this game where you are, but here in England there is a rocks game where kids paint rocks and hide them and when they are found you have to take a picture and post it on the relevant facebook page, then re-hide the rock or paint one yourself and hide it! I found this little beauty...DSC_0364.jpg

My mom plays a similar game. She calls it Geo Cashing. Things are hidden all over the world and when you find a treasure you document it and then rehide it. Some pieces are moved and rehidden. My relatives play as well and they have found things from all over the world. It really keeps them busy.

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