I want to adopt YOU, little cute minnow! Come and tell me why I should pick you!

in #adoptaminnow7 years ago


Did you just read the title of this post? Shocking right? I am still shocked at my own weird behavior! 

But after doing the @ma1neevent interview show and a talk we had there with @brandyb it became clear to me! You see, she told us about the adopt a minnow project started by @whatsup and for some weird reason, still unknown to snekkies like me, I felt like I wanted to have a pet minnow.... Hells bells I want two ... No three.... I want a whole school.... No that would be too much! I want to adopt at least two or three minnows ! 

Would I make a good adopting Snek? 

Well, we shall have to find out BUT... I have been here a while (( Points at joining date )) 2016 sounds so long ago! I know how the platform works although I would not call myself an expert! I like to help people before I steal their applessss so it might work out rather well! It has been said that I am a good friend, a person with a good heart ( when I don't steal apples ) and I am here a lot! Addicting is my middle name! Yuppp, I think we can make this work! 

I have not adopted minnows officially before but I did kidnap a few here there! Some we never heard about again... No I am just kidding! But putting minnows in a freezer to keep them for later is frowned upon it seems! OMG! I need to promote myself better...... 

I like to cuddle.... Does that count?
I .... sometimes cuddle a bit rough and it makes people gasp for air but I do it with LOVE! 

(( smiles and throws in the cute snekky eyes))

I am cute really! 

Img credits: Google funny and cute snakes.

Do you want me to adopt you?

Are you a minnow?
A cute one?
Do you need help or guidance?
support and friendship?

Are you serious? Okay.... Here is what I am looking for in a minnow! 

* I am looking for a Minnow who is willing to learn!
* Someone who knows how to share a laugh!
* Someone who is not scared of sneks because well duuhhhhh
* A minnow who is creative (( This is a MUST))
* A minnow who LOVES to work together and SHARE!
* A minnow who is willing to help others! 

What can I offer? 

*I will guide you as much as I can!
*I will answer your question no matter how many times you ask them!
*I will reply to your posts and if they are good I will resteem them!
*I will name you is a few of my posts and share your link!
*I will take you up on my back and introduce you to others!
*I will be your go to friend!
* I WILL OFFER YOU A SPOT ON THE @ma1neevent interview show where you talk about your projects!
* I will be on Discord daily where we can connect! 

Img credits: Google funny and cute snakes.

Now the fun part! 

You want to be adopted by this silly Snek?
Write a post and answer at least these questions.... 

* Why do you want to be adopted?
* Why do you want me to adopt YOU?
* Be creative, show me who you are!
* Use the
 #adoptaminnow tag.
* Come back to this post and leave a reply with the link to your post! 

I will Adopt at least 2 or 3 minnows when this post has reached pay out and I will not set a ending time for the adoption period! If we click, we click and you might have a snek for life!
Of course I hope you will learn how to Snek on your own in time and I will do anything I can to make you slither that way!

I will make a post about who I pick and why!

^^ Image made by @zneeke

Thank you for reading this post and I am looking forward to adopt YOU! 


great project, i hope you will find your little cute minnow and help him grow

WOW so @whatsup and her adopt a minnow [project is catching n!

when you adopt your minnow pointthem to http://steemspeak.com for mandatory hazing, (Bring your own paddle)

that's an amazing one.. you always been a great project runner may it will also work well and get the success. ☺ @poeticsnake

Dear poetic snake, I'm a little Minnow with big ambitions. I would love to have some strong friends to help me Navigate this big ocean... I hear if you want to go fast, go alone, so because I was a bit hasty to become
A good artist Minnow asap, I have remained kind of lonely im my
Network of support. But
I hear if you want to go far, you need to go together, I would love a group to go
The distance with... otherwise
I might get eaten by the shark of dissapointment, or stung by the jellyfish of giving up, I would love some Strong companions to help me find the right currents. I promise I want to not only share my own art,
But hopefully of all the deserving sea crestures out there. Maybe one day I could mentor
A little minnow myself, maybe
i will be a snack for a tuna, but either way I'm
Sure that with your support, my chances of survival are much better 🐥 I've added one of my creations to hopefully convince you that I'mma deserving minnow.


It would be great if you can make a Discord chat account!
Because then we can chat there!
If you already have one, please let me know your name or find me there
My name there is snekky ( poeticsnake)

Hey there Sneks,
My account name on Discord is artzanolino #4769,
Thanks for getting in touch!

I can't find you under that name. Have you confirmed your account with your email?

I have, what's your tag #? I'll try to add you 🤞🏽



I think if you join this one we should be able to message directly.

I hope you have a lot of fun with this, and it looks like you will! @brandyb, look! look!

I'm excited to watch this play out!

#adoptaminnow rocks! Mainly because you are awesome and you adopted well!

Well and because I got so lucky on my first adoption. It's going to be a hard act to follow. I should have retired.

Lol.... If you select a trash minnow I will never let you live down having become a trash person making trash choices!

This is a great way to give back to the community and help small minnows! This is so awesome! Love your kindness. Resteemed :) Can't wait to see who you adopt!

I found you by following @torico, following you to now. I love your concept of adoption.

i want to adopt snek. i have lots of apppllleeesss. i have lots of aminal friends for snek to play wif an i give good cuddles. loves da snek

guys, you really really want to be adopted by snek. she is da best!

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