Trying out some Adobe alternatives part 8: interesting "paint" variations with DAPsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #adobe6 years ago (edited)

Actually this is not an alternative for any Adobe program

simple because there is nothing in the Adobe range that can do this....


because this is so interesting, also to use it beside Photoshop or other art program, I decided to place it in my series about Adobe alternatives..

Recently I bought the program DAP ( Dynamic auto painter) by Mediachance.
This program is much more than a filter or plugin for pixel editors like Photoshop.
It is more like a algorithmic automatic painter.
There are many styles to choose from, but you can alter nearly all parameters to create your own "masterpiece"!

The guy who creates this is a genius: check out his other graphic software here:
Another program of theirs is Photo Reactor which is a node based photo manipulator, usable as standalone as well as a Photoshop plugin.
DAP makes use of Reactor under the hood, If you use Photo reactor, you can create your own plugins for Photoshop!

I just started out with the program yesterday, but I wanted to show some of the results allready here on steemit.

All these were done just with presets, I did not delve in to change settings (yet!):

preset Heavy HD:

preset Camille:


preset Camille sharp:


preset Carver:


preset chalk:


preset Aqua real:


preset Acry real:


preset GR novel:

preset New Vincent:


preset re acrylic outline:


If this is usefull or not,

I do not really mind: It is a lot of fun to play around with this software and I am sure I will find some use for it in my graphic work , free or for clients!

This is the original photo:



definitief logo-klein.png

Je blog is opgenomen in de Alldutch-Creations Recap #3

That is really interesting! The results are mind blowing ... I have to take a look at this

Yes exactly!
If you are into art or graphic design, like me, this is an amazing program.

It is a lot of fun to use. I think that it is even possible to use it commercially, for instance selling people a nice "painting" of their house, printed on canvas, to hang on their wall.

Exactly that last thing ... instance selling. I see myself doing a photoshoot from dogs, what I love to do, and afterwards I see the 'painting' ... I do believe it can be sold that way

Ok in that case it is a simple choice: just buy the program!

They have some interesting bonus deals and 20% off.

P.S. I think they only have a windows version, so if you use an apple computer you're out of luck...:-(

You can download the trial version first to see how it works.

Just checked: they have a MAC version as well.

Nice presentation, must have a look and see for myself. Preset Carver gave an interesting result.

Yes I really like this.

Indeed Carver but also GR novel are both interesting settings: strange but beautifull lines...

Funny how the grass is "seen" by the software in the GR novel setting. I like that a lot!

I have to experiment with the settings.
They have a trial version.

Installing the trial now to have a go. May I ask why you bought it, for work or just hobby/private work?

Absolutely blown away by the results this program is producing. Just had to show you an example after a first try with "carver" using a photograph I did a couple of weeks ago. Did some tweaking after DAP to spice up the colours a bit and rotate it. Its only a trial version I'm using here but I'm going out on a limb presenting the results here since I'm after all recommending this program as well as you do! Thanks for enlighten me @vjbasil :)


And a B&W abstract photograph I did this weekend in a WWII bunker:

I really need to evaluate getting a license but since I only do this as a hobby I need to justify it... hmm...

Nice example @richeros!

I used the trial version for 2 hours and then got irritated by the red texts so I decided to buy it. ( I can justify it because my work is graphics.... but honestly: I buy it primarily for my own fun!)

Last week also bought their fantastic other software: Real Draw, Photo Reactor and Photoblend.

did you see my examples of Real Draw?

but it can do way more and more interesting things!

As long as you can afford it and have a lot of fun using it, I think that would be justification enough!

The use of this program on abstract art is also a complete field to explore!

They have deals to get it cheaper now 20% off with a code or buying 2 progs together gives also a bonus.
( maybe if you know someone who can buy it for you as a gift; I mean someone in youtr family that can justify this for his / her work?)


I bought it for fun, but hope to be able to do some things commercially with it. I do graphic work, free art as well as work for various clients. ( Shop interiours lettering, all kind of graphic work...)

That really amazing you picture explain nature really good... :)

nice photos @vjbasil

Siempre sus fotografías tan hermosas, revelando un inmenso arte en el fondo. Saludos y gracias por compartir.

Hermosas imágenes, lo que se llega hacer con solo un programa. Felicitaciones.

very nice places friend
thank you for sharing

great publication friend

Nice original shoot,,, I really like this... I appreciate this post so much.. Thank you for share....

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