
I'm Nancy, and I also have an addictive personality! I think a lot of the things that make me feel good, make me happy, create addictions, and when I talk about this, I'm talking about things, but I'm also talking about friendships and love relationships. I am a woman who takes refuge in many things, many of them are not good for me, but they are the ones I like. In recent years, perhaps age, I'm not so young anymore, it has given me another view of life. I live near the sea, so I enjoy going and walking (I get addicted), sunbathing and bathing. Reading and writing have also made me addictive, so much so that I look like a tree with so many leaves that I have written and carry on top of it. These days they stole my cell phone, which kept me informed 24 hours a day. At first I cried, felt very bad, and had a strong state of astinence in which I thought I was going to die. But here I am, with more time to do other things and live. Living in Venezuela, it is very difficult to replace some objects that are very expensive for us, which will take me a long time without a cell phone. Perhaps I will have more time to see the sea, write, and develop a new way of life and pleasure: eating with my hands and walking barefoot. Thank you for this confession, Rok! I appreciate and embrace you!

Half the time, the idea to look for something strikes, and by the time the web browser is open, I find myself distracted and surfing off in some completely different other direction, only to clue in a few minutes later wondering what the fuck I was going to look for in the first place.

And then... "A picture is worth a thousand words"

Side note... there was this guy I went to high school with, who had a theory that the older men got, the more grumpy and jaded they got.

Yeah! been there, done that. :)

There are plenty of causes for the cynicism that often grows in tandem with age.

¡Welcome to my world!

The writing, flowing out at the peak of the experience; the process of its excavation, transforming matters.

Congratulations!! 👍

I think we all have some tendencies towards addiction on some level. I know I can get very focused on one thing sometimes and that could be considered a bit addictive. I think the fact that you are able to acknowledge it and face it is a good thing. Like you said, a lot of times those things simmer under the surface so subtle that we hardly recognize them. Others around us might see them, but we just don't. I have a friend that used to have a major addiction. He has since fought it and held it at bay, but you can still see those subtle things that take the place of the major addiction. It is definitely a mental illness despite what some might argue. I'm not a counselor, but my wife is one and I encourage you to keep writing about this. Even when you think the feelings are in check or gone for the time. It can be very therapeutic.

In 50 years, I've yet to meet anyone that isn't an addict.

Ergo, if everyone is an addict, then even the word is moot, just carrying negative connotations with which to help 'create' something that we all have anyway...

How to utilize your so called 'addictions' to your benefit....
Well, that's a whole other subject....

The permanent high-state experience, which may be legitimately attained only through a lifetime of dedicated inner work can be reached temporarily by artificial means (insert your addiction) . But the balance of nature dictates that to artificially acquire that state without having earned it creates a debt, and the negative imbalance results in negative consequences. The cost of such stolen pleasure is the desperation of addiction, and finally, both the addict and society pay a price.

From Power Vs. Force.

I always forget it takes a lifetime...

Rok you always Rock👍... But how about writing on Steem isn't it an addiction that brings your heart out👌 ....for me I found Steem as an addiction, posting, commenting, laugh ,fun it's all here...and a day without Steem let me feel boring, lonely and insane.

Posted using Partiko Android

What an addict you really are.

I’m an addict too. Oh yeah I can say that I’m addicted to so many things. In my description of my own addiction or describing my addiction, I can say there are some things that keeps me inspired , there are so many things that gives me hope, there are things that gives me joy and I try to do all of those things cause they are part of me and with this I could call them my addictions.

This article has brought me to think and at the same time open my eyes and understanding about not getting addictive to anger , negativity but derive lessons from them. You’re much appreciated

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