Technology Addiction - Are we destroying our children's future or helping them?

in #addiction8 years ago (edited)

I lost the motherboard of my Laptop on Thursday last week and it made me realized once again how dependent we are on Technology. Ok I must admit I am totally addicted to Steemit and actually most technologies, so it was a bit bad for me. I even typed my last post @omfedor - here is your nameinlights on my Iphone 6. Little keyboard and all :)

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Today's post is a little bit shorter than usual, as I just wanted to apologies to all for not commenting on my last few posts. I really struggled with the little keyboard :) And for some or other reason, I can't vote at all on my Iphone 6. I used to be able to, but it does not allow me to vote anymore.

So I did a bit of researched on the subject of Technology Addiction. The term is actually mentioned all over the internet. There is actually a website dedicated to this subject with a helpline and everything.

What you should know

According to you should now the following:

Technology addiction is an umbrella term that may include addictive behaviour to cybersex and online porn; video gaming; gambling; eBay and other online auctions or shopping; social media; excessive texting; or smartphone overuse as well as information overload.
One in eight Americans suffers from problematic Internet use, according to a study published in The International Journal of Neuropsychiatric Medicine, and rates are even higher in many Asian countries. An estimated 30 percent or more of the Chinese population is classified as highly addicted to the Web.
Six percent to 10% of smartphone users display signs of Internet addiction, estimates Phil Reed, a professor of psychology at Swansea University, in the U.K. While there’s currently no standard for what constitutes smartphone addiction, some experts define it as spending more than seven hours a day using the phone and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when cut off from the device.
IAD may bring on chemical changes in the brain similar to those caused by substance use disorder, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Children who suffer from Internet addiction have an increased risk of depression, problems at school, obesity and carpal tunnel syndrome


I can understand that people are addicted to porn or cybersex etc, but what about us, who is on Steemit for large sections of the day, typing away on the next article :) This is a social media site isn't it? We are actually doing our jobs if you think about it. I don't feel like I am addicted to Steemit, but I will admit that being without access to Steemit, is not nice and I went to buy a new laptop to get the access back :)

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Warning Signs

The following should be noted according to

A sense of euphoria while plugged in
Neglecting friends and family
Skimping on sleep
Dishonesty about usage
Feeling anxious, ashamed, guilty or depressed as a result of technology use
Withdrawing from other activities that were once pleasurable

Do you have any of the above symptoms? … I certainly do :)

If you look at addiction in general, and I am not a specialist on the subject at all, we should look at the following risk factors.

According to specialist on the subject, more than 75% of technology addicts have at least one other addiction, which may include drugs or smoking. According the, studies have shown, that using technology can bring the same chemical reaction to the brain as these type of addictions.

What about our children?

I have two daughters, aged 2 and 6, and as I am a technology freak, I would love to keep them up to date, with the latest technologies. I think we all know that they are born with technology under the arm ... We still need to learn, what they already know :)

If you give a tablet or smartphone to them, it comes naturally. Even for the 2 year old. She is always busy looking at photo's or videos on my phone without my assistance. I do believe that too much of anything is not good, but should they have access to these devices at this early age?

Question: Should 6 year old children have their own tablets or smartphones? Or should they still play in the garden like the kids of old?


I am a mom and i prefer my kid play in the garden like the kids of old.
They will have the opportunity to make use of means of communication in adulthood but children will not be so childish games again repeat.

I am also a person who loves if the kid s play outside, especially with the lovely weather that we have here in South Africa, but I want to give them a balanced life. We should therefor give them some time of the day where they can have access to technology, but in a balanced fashion.

Technology can be good and beneficiary if properly moderated because if not it will make every person near us gone far. As we can noticed it almost everybody is using gadgets from a 1yr old to adult. These technologies are good because it can make our life better but in part of maintaining a good relationship of everybody inside the house, I dont think so, because this will take out time which is supposedly spent for each other.

Fully agree @juvyjabian , the keyword here is moderate

You have to help children to find a healthy way to deal with these new technologies. Therefore the should have the opportunity to use them. I would not give them fulltime access but very limited. Addiction comes often from unhealthy family relationships.

I am in full agreement with an approach where the use of the technologies is in moderation. I believe that if we do not expose them to technologies they will fall behind their peers, who have access to the technologies.


Fully agree with you @asmolokalo:) It should be with Parental supervision .

exposing out kid to technology is important but there must be a balance. In other words kids have a tendency if allowed to spend a disproportionate amount of time staring at a little screen. A balance must be struck and as parents we must resist the pester power. Kids learn that persistence break resistance ......

It's a very tough issue for sure.

The combination of modern TV programs and computers, make kids (and to a lesser extent adults) addicted to a fast-paced world that fuels an attention deficit problem.

When they are bombarded with stimulation all the time, everything that is not excessively stimulating is "boring" in comparison. The "boring classroom" and "boring lessons" will probably be the first victims, along with kids performance in school and later in college.

There needs to be a balance between the degree of stimulation they get and attention span that they can hold without getting bored because this will have great real-life implications.

Question: Should 6 year old children have their own tablets or smartphones? Or should they still play in the garden like the kids of old?

Can they not have and do both ?

I think they can and should indeed have both. As long as the technology exposure at a young age are limited.

Superb post @ jacor !
In my opinion children should know and understand new tech, software, hardware or even games.


Parents should play with their children and teach them the value of simple outside games.
I wrote "parents" because some things canot be learned in schools some things are learned at home and it is our responsability as parents or future parents to interact and play with our children in order for them to develope good cognitive skills.

Yes i agree with you @cynetyc, parents should spent time playing with their kids not the gadgets. These gadgets are teaching our kids to be impatient, disrespectful and high tempered especially when they are introduce to extreme games apps.

I love spending time with the kids outside, and sometimes I give them access to a laptop, tablet or even a smartphone. But only for short timeframes

Fully agree that it can help kids as well :)

No!, I do not support 6 years old kid having smart phone. It just destroys them. Parent should provide smartphone or tablet, if they need it, at the age of at least 13. Kids must be promoted to play in gardens or playgrounds.

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