I tell myself STOP resisting Find the LESSON!


Denial has been my very close friend lately. Time to kick it to the curb!

For a while now I have been living as if this is just a temporary thing raising my grandchild. Waiting for my daughter to miraculously come to the door and say "I am back and I am all better, you can come home with mommy now". It's not that I don't have hope that it could happen, its just not. I just can not live in THE WAIT anymore. The wait way of thinking! I know some of you all know what I mean. It's starts something like this- "Mom I am going to rehab, can you take care of my son, I will back in no time" -or- "Mom, I am calling from the jail, I got busted but as soon as I get out I am going to do the right thing and be a good mother to my son" Days turn into weeks, and months, and now years. Time to stop waiting I would say. I am not giving up hope..I am just giving up the wait mentality. I will always have hope for my daughter to get well and have a successful recovery, thats my baby girl, my youngest child, I nicknamed her Punkin when she was just a baby. I love her EVERYDAY, ALL THE TIME and with ALL MY HEART!


Life is a journey where you just have to keep moving forward. There’s no turning back. Most of us will experience hard decisions, stressful moments, and difficult issues that will impact us in one way or another for the rest of our lives.

Hard times happen. They teach us lessons, make us fierce, and give us a deeper sense of self. After all, would sitting in the sun mean as much if you hadn’t of experienced the tornado first? We want to bury our heads in the sand and pretend everything is honky-dory, as if these bad things aren’t happening to us. We try to numb ourselves from the pain and reality of the situation. I know I do this. But eventually, you have to face it head on. There is no other way.

Eventually, hopefully, we find ourselves grateful for those hard times, which in turn may make us appreciate the good times even more. I am continually working on all of this, but then again, isn’t that the point. I want to believe that adversity is meant to knock us ON course, not the other way round...lol... trying to focus on looking at the situation differently.

Call me crazy but I was thinking if I start cultivating acceptance in my life right now, I'll hopefully cope with future crises in a different way and view them from a different perspective. I will with a little luck and a prayer accept instead of resist. So instead of staring at the closed door in front of me, or getting tired and bruised when I try to break it down, I should turn around and see how many other windows I have open.

I wanted to let you know how much I value you reading my post, I am truly grateful.

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I'm in a similar situation. So I deeply feel your pains and concerns. I have a 7 year old boy whose mother is an addict(just through rehab after a dozen felony charges) and a a thief..out of rehab a week(and clean) and she steals from Walmart with our son with her. She's currently back in jail. And he has to deal with the struggles in his heart and the demons in his head. In the last week I've went through about every emotion known to us. And most of them at 100%. It's exhausting on so many levels to deal with an addict that also has a child. Anyway, I've posted on some of it. So if you want more info, rather then me type it all again(😀) check out my place and if you have any questions or would just like to talk, feel free to come by my place any time. I'm sorry to hear you are also dealing with like circumstances, but I will ask the creator to keep you strong and lend you guidance and strength. I also send all my love to you and all of yours.

I can not thank you enough for your genuine care about my situation. So glad I am following you, I will be sure to be reading your posts. So good to know that we have others to confide in. It makes all the difference in the world. I have joined a lot of support groups and it really helps. I am learning so much. Many blessings to your family. I see we are having the same struggles and your right, your 7 year old my 8 year old they are the ones that suffer. My grandson just turned 8 and when he sent his mother a letter in jail , I said draw what ever you want and out he came with a picture of his mom behind bars standing beside a policeman. He wrote Dear mom, I love you. Please don't go to jail again. Quit breaking the law. I almost fell over but I sent it because that is what he really felt and she really needed to hear it.

You're more then welcome. And I am happy you have found ways to deal with it AND maintain such a level of positivity. After reading a couple of your posts, I found myself a little envious of your optimism. Evans doing pretty good. (Mom's been gone all last two months, minus one week.) I'm really fortunate to have a fiancee that is an extremely great positive role model for Evan. He's been dealing with it his whole life unfortunately. Any more he doesn't ask about her much any more. There will always be moments I'm sure. But for now the storm has calmed. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and will always ask our creator for relief in your ciurrent situation. I hope that your grandson will grow using your knowledge and love. With you in his life, I am sure he will grow to be a great man.

Dear @gails-word-syrup I am sure you can, no matter how hard the life gets be proud of a lot of things you are doing at the moment and you have done in the past. Your struggle in life should give you straight to give the best (which I don't doubt that you are doing right now) to this little soul that needs your example how to walk to a better life. You are the mentor to this child, you are a window of the human behavior and emotional support to this lovely child, and I can only imagine how harsh it is to be emotional support while you yourself are struggling! The life journeys we pick alone, and the one your daughter choose is unfortunately her own struggle... We cannot expect the change from the ones that cannot accept it. And even though it is heavy to watch your child taking the wrong paths, you are not the one responsible for her decision. As Gibran said in his lovely poem our kids are not our own. We are just giving them their life, and by that we can only give them examples, but cannot walk their paths... You, with all this lovely words that I read are a strong mother and grandmother, a character that this young soul that you are raising at the moment can look up to, and I wish you a lot of strength to be happy that you can offer him/her sanctuary and love. Because, all we need is love!!! I am sharing some of mine with you! Hugs!

Thank you so much and I give you hugs right back . That was very gracious of you to take the time out to write such a heart felt comment. That's amazing. I don't know if you know this but their are not too many people like you in this world or at least they are few and far between and I am so glad I got to make your acquaintance. My prayer for all the lost is that they may find their way thru the dark storm and step into the light one day.

Thank you for this appreciation! I doubt that I am so rare wirh my thoughts of care for others. I just think a lot of people stay quiet because of the fear that they will be laugh to, or maybe sound stupid or what so ever... But, I believe that people truly have the great power to create positivity, by really living it an believe in the goodness and kindness! Just to reduce judging and increase loving :)

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All humans experience difficult times in this life but not all of us can overcome it and I salute you. Hopefully a happy time awaits you :-)

Thank you so much I try to tell myself every morning, I say self...lol life gives you obstacles. Obstacles that may seem unfair or too extreme. But you are given choices. Break through the obstacles or let the obstacles... break you!

In many of your posts, I see lots of stories about your grandchild. I want to know, who is in jail ...? Is he your biological child or your son-in-law ...?, And what is the cause of him being imprisoned ...?

My daughter is a heroin addict and I am raising her son, my grandson. The reason/s she has been in and out of jail is because she gets caught using drugs and/or possession of drugs. At times it is stealing to get drugs or prostituting to get drugs. It is the terrible dark, dark world of addiction, that the addict lives.

What makes me sad is remembering he has a child, who is your grandson, maybe he will be embarrassed because his mother is like that ..., my advice, take care of your grandchild, guide him, pay attention to him so he doesn't do things we don't want it, he is a young generation whose life is still long.

To be honest, I am very scared of drugs, I don't want things like this to happen to my family, let alone I have many brothers, I am afraid my brother will fall into promiscuity. they are young and still in school, so now I am very worried about them.

Oh ... yeah ... For how long did your daughter have to sit in jail ...?

last time in was 3 months

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