Acts of Kindness Challenge - in Venice, the city of my heart.

Here’s my act of kindness story… Once in Venice, as a kid, I gave an old man 1000 lire (half a euro, which at the time was quite a lot). He was a beggar, sitting on an almost completely wet carton because it was raining, and I felt so sorry for him, mostly because of his age. I told my mum that I’ll give him more money next time. She said he probably won’t be there. And yet… exactly a year later, passing by the same street,he was there and I gave him 5000 this time.He grabbed my hand with both of his, looked me in the eyes, almost in tears and said: "Grazie signorina, mille grazie! Che Dio sia con te!" (=Thank you miss, thank you so much! May God be with you!) Once more, a year later, he wasn’t there and I never saw him again. Every time I’m in Venice I always hope to see him even though considering he was already very old it’s highly improbable. But somehow I feel that he’s looking after me from somewhere, because of my good deed, and I will always remember him, his light green eyes and his warm hands…


wonderful story @meanmommy33, wonderful that as a child you not only felt the compassion but also felt empowered to act on it! love the photo too

Thank you :) Simple, right? But I still remember it so clearly and yes, exactly as you say, even though I was a kid, I felt I had to help that man! Oh and the joy the second time, ready, with my 5000 at hand - you should have seen the look in his face...I'll never forget those eyes... I made the photo black and white because I thought it fits better with this story ;) But it is actually from these series so more Venice here :D

Good for you @meanmommy33! Even after just reading your story I can feel the positivity that came out of this, for all 3 of you.
Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story with us.
I have followed you. :)

Thank you @rebeccaryan ! :) I'm so glad to see that you liked it! I know it's not a 'big deal' but for me it was and from the moment I read the title of the challenge this was the first thing that popped into my mind :) Followed back (I thought I was already haha, I'm starting to lose track I think :D ) Waiting for news on the challenge :) Have a great day, lots of positive vibes from Denmark! :D

Thank you, glad you liked it !

Very touching story, @meanmommy33.

Thank you :) I wouldn't think people would see it this way, because you know, it's very simple to the core of it, but it did touch me and I still remember it vividly so I had to share it ;)

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