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RE: "Random Acts of Kindness Challenge". The day I stopped!

Thank you for sharing this tale from your imagination, from your heart. We do need to start SEEING and KNOWING the elders in our communities. So many in our throw away culture, just throw people away...especially our elders, who in traditional societies were the most respected and revered for their wisdom and knowledge. I appreciate you writing this, it really touched my heart.


I could not agree more with you. It saddens me that there are so many elderly souls who have been thrown away like trash and never looked at again. I respect my elders and i will work my ass off to always help them!

Most definitely here too. Sometimes I want to punch those who treat them like they have no reason for being here.

That is so great, thank you for BEing the change you wish to see in the world PoeticSnake. PS: I love Snakes, cool name you got there! xo

(( Happy slithers)) Thank yousssss.... I love snakes as well!

HAHAHAA cuuuuuuuute!!

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