Success! Activism pays off: Exchange adds Steem and SBD

in #activism8 years ago (edited)

This will be a brief update just to notify everyone that our previous efforts were not in vain! Yesterday the Mercatox Exchange added both Steem and SBD to their trading platform:

I'm delighted that so many decided to get on board with the idea and that we were able to get the 150+ votes required. By now a lot of new people will already have noticed Steem both on the voting list and due to the announcement made on the exchange.

There is also the possibility that others will trade it or spot it on the list of tradeable currencies in the future.

You can trade Steem and SBD now by going to

Just be aware that I don't give financial advice to anyone and that you are 100% responsible for the handling of your own money.

A few people thought that the project was unnecessary or a waste of time. I don't want to reject their perspective entirely. Yes, there are already other exchanges where one can trade Steem and Yes, we don't know if this new exchange will take off at any point in time. But for the total amount of time, energy and money spent, I think this advertisement for Steem and SBD was very low cost and totally worth it.

Bottom line: It didn't cost 1 cent and while we can't judge what the net results will be exactly, the upside always was and still is relatively high.

If you have got your own project that you want others to know about, leave us a message in While we can not promise that we will support your project, it will at least increase your chances of getting it noticed by others.

As always, be well,

/Thomas Hägg


Still, nice work. Getting currencies out to new exchanges is a good part of spreading the word. Someone that only uses this exchange might come here in interest of reading about it. Free advertisement :)

Precisely, let's hope they did. Think I even remember there were a few studies a while back suggesting that free advertising converts better than costly advertising. =)

I can think back myself and tell you that advertisements directed to me are not working. Ads directed to me will make me less interested in the thing advertised about. I mean, why should I join something that spends money on advertisement, aren't they good enough to have people using them as it is? Do they need to drag people them, thinking they are any good? I'd rather use something else or just use their opposite competitor for that matter :D

My curiosity will make me want to use things I read about myself, and it's a form of indirect advertisement of course, but it's on my own terms (I guess, you can always debate this)

I tend to agree with you. Traditional "ads" almost never make me want to buy a product. TV ads make me wanna go to the kitchen/turn of the TV, internet ads result in me installing Adblock and anything I get in the mailbox I burn. Spam email (as rarely as I recieve it) is not even read, as I delete it from the spam folder.

But the more "direct" - as in the less manipulative - they are, the more likely I am to at least look into them on my own.

For example, a very costly and funny etc superbowl commercial for beer I could care less about. But if I see/hear a much more to the point, brief and less flashy advertisement somewhere that doesn't distract me so much from my current state of being, then I might just take second to think about the actual product and whether it could be useful for me.

It is good advertisement, yes. Thanks!

Thank you for commenting and contributing!

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