They Kill In Your Name: Here's How To Stop Them

in #activism7 years ago (edited)

In light of recent events I thought it would be useful to share a post which I had previously written and posted a few months ago. I have declined payout, but I do hope that you will consider resteeming this if you find it to be useful.

I would like to share some methods that we can all use to amplify our voice of disapproval, and show the warmongers out there that we are united in our objection to this war.

Why This Is Important

Before I move onto the methods of protest, I first feel the need to demonstrate the importance of this issue. It is an unfortunate set of circumstances, but the truth of the matter is that not many people in today's age have the patience to sit and read an entire article. I write this introduction with the hope that it will highlight the significance of this issue and encourage the less patient of us to read through this post in its entirety.

I am going to be optimistic and assume that the overwhelming majority of readers will be fully aware at this point of the illegitimacy and criminal nature of the Iraq war. The alleged weapons of mass destruction that were used as an excuse to invade the country are nothing more than the historical representation of today's Russian aggression. Call it propaganda or fake news, it makes no difference. I personally refer to it as more bullshit. Bullshit that was used to garner public support to enact genocide on another population.

This image is captured from the fake-news provider, BBC's website. 461,000 dead is a catastrophic number and should really be enough to stress the importance of this issue alone. However, we must keep in mind that BBC are one of the leading propaganda agencies in the world. In what I believe to be an effort to purposely deceive the reader into thinking that all deaths were that of military personal, there is a convenient omission of civilian casualties in Iraq.

Another site with more detailed information on the study reports that;

some 270,000 died violently, with US troops responsible for about 90,000 civilian deaths and militias for another 90,000. Of those killed violently, 60 percent were shot, and 12 percent died from car bombs. Some 180,000 died because of the destruction of the public health infrastructure (lack of access to hospital treatment, e.g.).

We can see that it was clearly not just soldiers that lost their lives in these unjust wars, though even that would still be unacceptable. Men, women and children who want nothing to do with war still suffer in the 100,000's, all because we remain apathetic to the agendas of the elite.

I feel it worth mentioning that Russia is not Iraq. It is a very powerful country with very powerful allies. Just because the Iraq war was waged in Iraq, and civilians at home in the US and NATO-affiliated countries hadn't the need to see terror and bloodshed on the streets of their cities, does not mean that the terror of a Russian war would be constrained to the streets of Russia. The horrors of war could very well land on you and your family's doorstep if we allow this to progress.

Putin has constructed thousands of nuclear shelters to protect his people from the threat of war. What steps have the country's who are provoking this war done to protect their own people?

461,000 dying in Iraq so that the US could prevent Hussein selling his oil in Euros instead of Dollars. It would be lovely if we could blame it all on the politicians, bankers and corporate interests. The truth is though, we cannot. We too must take responsibility for this. Sure, there were many who were outspoken about their objections to war-- but evidently it was not nearly enough, or there would not have been one.

There are billions of us, and if we coordinate together and unify as one voice., then when that voice says no-- all who hear it shall listen.

What We Can Do

There are a number of things that one can do to increase our chances of success. Now, I'm fairly positive that some will be offended by the words that follow. To them, I offer you my sincere apologies, but your fragile emotional state is a problem that you must work on yourself, for there are much more pressing matters that need to be addressed.

  • Be LESS Tolerant:

Yes. You read that correctly. We need to be less tolerant. Not towards those who are actively seeking to bring this war into fruition, but to those that are passively paving the way for it to happen through their own selfish quest for comfort.

There is a significant percentage of the human population who are, consciously or unconsciously, living in a completely different world than the rest of us. They walk upon streets paved of ignorance, among structures forged of denial. Within their minds, a tenacious grip retains an erroneous understanding of the world that begs not to be challenged.

To offer information to such a person-- information that might help them to construct a better understanding of the world that surrounds them, provokes nothing other than agitation and replies akin to, "I don't want to know!" They protect their flawed paradigm with the same ferocity that a mother protects her child-- and all so that they might sleep easier at night.

For a very long time, I was tolerant towards the sensitive nature of said people. I take no joy in upsetting a person, nor do I like the idea of someone having a hard time with life because of something that I told them. The problem is, there are too many of these people now. We need to decide what is more important; the comfort level of a few hundred million people that have long been in denial of their circumstances, or the lives of potentially hundreds of millions of men, women and children. I certainly don't think it's worth increasing the chances of a nuclear war, to decrease the chances of invading people's imaginary safe spaces.

It is this wilful ignorance, coupled with apathy, that has led to the deaths of more than one can fathom. I implore you to be less tolerant in this regard. When someone shuts you down, telling you they don't want to know, offer them some truth. It won't be pretty, but it may just alert them to the selfishness of their actions.

Tell them that it is not wanting to know that has brought us to this age of death and destruction, and if they continue to not want to know things, then they can bear the responsibility of everything that happens because of it.

We need to alert everyone to the truth of the fake news that surrounds them. Everyone must be aware that neither Russia, nor Iran are the aggressors. It is NATO that has set up military bases around their borders, and it is our support they are planning to obtain in order to cross those borders and obliterate their cities and their civilians.

NOTE: There are some out there that, no matter how hard you try to enlighten them, they will fight you at every turn. Do not waste your time on these types of people. Once the tables have turned and they become the odd one out in the crowd, they will naturally emigrate to the side of truth.

  • Inform Soldiers of Their TRUE Purpose

If you get the opportunity to speak to one who is in the military, or one who is thinking of joining, inform them of who they are really fighting for should they go to war. Many soldiers and military personal are genuinely under the impression that they are fighting for their country, and there is honour in that belief be it misguided or not.

Ask them who they fight for, and when they respond with, "my country," share some information with them that speaks to the contrary.

Tell them of how war is perpetuated by bankers, weapons manufacturers and private security firms who all gain tremendous profits through conflict. It is in their best interests to ensure that there is always war, or their profit margins would take a substantial blow. In fact, weapons manufacturers and private security firms would be rendered all but obsolete in a world of peace, and so it has become part of the business model to influence the perpetuity of war around the world.

Speak to them of how their presence on foreign soil is not protecting their country as they believe, but often doing the exact opposite. The terrorists were nothing more than a myth in the beginning, but through the actions of the military, legitimate terrorists who seek revenge for their fallen families and countrymen have been and continue to be born.

Most will seek to deny the truth, as to accept it is to admit the mistake they made and the deception they have fallen for. There will be those who decide to look into what you have said, and what they find will certainly make them reconsider their life choices. That is already a win, but could become an even greater victory if that soldier than talks to his friends in the forces about his new found understanding of their role in the geopolitical arena.

  • Share Useful Information

We live in the information age, but unfortunately those who would seek to hide that information from us have cunningly created a mountain of misinformation for us to sift through first. When you come across a piece of good information that people ought to know about, don't be shy of sharing it on your social media. Do not be afraid of looking like that crazy conspiracy theorist who doesn't believe the MSM. I'm confident you would rather feel like that, than feel like you could have done more to prevent a war--but didn't.

If you find something on steemit, facebook or twitter that you feel people could benefit from viewing, don't just hit the repost button and move on. Share it on every social media platform that you're a part of so that we can wake as many people up to the distrust they should have for their governments. Yes, there is problems with censorship off-Steemit, but even if one person sees that post whom would not have otherwise, and it resonates with them, you have done a very good thing.

  • Be Active. Take To The Streets.

Protesting has been becoming less and less effective of late, because there is too many people out there protesting too many different things. We need to come together to enact the change we want to see, and perhaps in the face of the first ever nuclear war, we can find that bridge that will lead us to one another.

I know a lot of people are hesitant to attend protests. I'm just one person, I won't make any difference, is a typical sentiment. Though this is untrue, and if everyone who thought that changed their mind we would see change that very morning, let's pretend for a moment that it is true..

Don't go yourself then. If you have no one to go with. Jump onto a local chatroom on the web and share your desire to attend. Make it known that you would like others with similar beliefs and objections to join you. There may be others in that chatroom that also want to go but had no one to go with, or that would go in a second only they hadn't heard about it until you mentioned it.

It is also of the utmost importance that you take your phone or a camera with you to the protest. Capture the crowd, and share it on social media. The mainstream media will often neglect to show footage or even report on protests if they do not want the public to be made aware of the issue and potentially join in.

If you cannot find an anti-war protest in your area, organize one. Or perhaps go to another location nearby where there is one. When there is millions of peasants on the streets decrying their governments propositions of war, the monarchy will be reminded of who is really in control.

  • Write To Your local MP/Congressman

Doing this, as well as convincing others to do the same, will be an effective tool for a number of reasons. Not only will it demonstrate the volume of the population who are against war, but it will also give the politicians an opportunity to redeem themselves.

It's easy to write off every single politician as an evil, greedy parasite on society that is completely lacking in morality. This is clearly not the case. While there are a lot of politicians who would fit this description, and a number of them are clinical psychopaths, which is what drove them relentlessly to obtain the position of power that they hold, there are others who got in the game of politics with the intent of doing good.

Many may have lost their way through means of progressive corruption, but a powerfully written letter could force some of those to face the morality that they have had to bury to occupy their position. This cannot be achieved through sending angry, hostile letters or death threats. One must prepare a carefully worded letter that speaks to their humanity and reminds them of what they're job is really about, and who they really ought to be serving.

I intend to write a template letter that others will be able to copy, paste, and edit appropriately. But, I recommend that, should you possess the necessary skills to write such a letter yourself, do so. A personal letter with a personal story is much more likely to grip someone and cause them to question their current motives.

  • Build Like-Minded Communities

If you visit a protest, or talk with like-minded, anti-war individuals on the net, don't just move on with your life. Connect with them. Exchange numbers and info, so that you might later exchange ideas. Our oppression comes essentially at the hands of a community. So if we want to make change, the best thing to do is build a more powerful, more moral community to fight back.

Once you have established yourself within one or more communities who oppose the coming war, it will become much easier to amplify your voice. You can now create petitions, organize protests or events, or a million other things--and you will have a community that are eagerly waiting to sign, attend or do anything else they can to help.

The final step would be to combine all these communities into one, but people are so good at dividing themselves that I feel we will need a greater mind than mine to propose ideas on how that can be achieved.

If you are interested in sharing any ideas that you may have on how to stop the war, or anything else that will be helpful to all of humanity, please join The Awakened Minds Initiative on and share those ideas with us.

Final Words

In closing I would like to reiterate my point that apathy is our biggest enemy, and the catalyst that will slingshot us into a war we may never find our way back from. Please do not simply read this article and then convince yourself that you needn't do any of this, because lots of other people will. That is exactly what has led to war in the past, and we cannot repeat the same mistakes.

I'd like to share a quote that I'm sure you're all familiar with. Though I hope that you will see this as more than just a quote, for if you interpret it as a plea, a vocation and a way of life, then I foresee a positive change for all in our future.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Allow that to sink in, and then ask yourself.. Are you a good person?

Thank you for reading. I ask that you not only resteem this post, but share it on facebook, twitter, tumblr and every other community that you are a part of. This message needs to reach everyone out there, for we all have much to lose should the current powers of this world get the war that they want.

All images are royalty free.

Edit: I meant to decline payout on this post but, I forgot to change it before posting. Please do not waste your time upvoting it. Share it instead- Thanks.


Thanks for sharing..
Great post..

Interesting fact for this newest circus...This strike on Syria is exactly the 100th anniversary to the entrance into World War 1.

I remember, never will forget, the time you said you wished I had gone off and died like i said i would. It was incredibly painful. Worse than a failed upvote or flag because i did not like what a bunch people were doing here.

Then Dan quit Steemit and you told us all you would quit. But you came back just like me. But it took several peoples actions over a long period of time whereas you made that claim based on one persons actions one time.

I actually still read and even vote for some of your posts but you never did me. So.... be u...never stop being u.

I backed up all my statements. which pissed off people.

I backed up my Steemicide statements, they were not random thoughts. they were well thought out and backed up by the time i posted it (at least 3 days of thoughts), it was not an emotional response but a thought out one.

I follow you still. I read your posts still, im reading this one right. Fuck the crowd. Go with you heart.

I never said that I wish you would die.

I also never said, at any point, that I was quitting Steemit. Perhaps you refer to a post where I said I would be gone for a few days?

What I said to you, I said because you did not back up your words. I saw you commenting on a number of posts talking about how you were leaving Steemit because it is shit. But, here you still are.

If I have not upvoted a post of yours, it is because I have not yet come across one which I found deserving of my upvote. This is not to say that you have not posted one which I would enjoy, but with 200 people's work appearing on my homefeed, it is not uncommon for me to miss a lot of posts.

I respect that you are able to separate content from its creator, and not allow your thoughts about a person to come between your enjoyment or appreciation of their work. This is a quality that more people could benefit from.

Also, as far as I can tell, since I said what I said to you, your attitude seems to have changed for the better. So, perhaps you needed to hear it, regardless of the displeasure you may have experienced in the moment of my voicing my opinion.

Your reply to him sounded somewhat a statement of self debasement and focused unwittingly upon your desire to please all, even your detractors. Somehow your gracious actions imitate Chamberlain in the appeasement of Hitler, not that there is anything wrong with that, its just well a stance that could lead to war.

I can't say that I fully understand what you're implying here. What is it about my response that you feel could lead to a war? Who is Hitler in this scenario?

You're satire, just being sarcastic, it was a joke :)

Lol. Perhaps I should have been a little quicker on that one.

ok. so it was late last night and i was enjoying some Crown Royal. I spoke and to back up my statements I needed to be more sober.

So, it was in reference to a comment you made over a month ago on someone else's post.

I admit I was rude in my choice of words but i still stand by everything i said as it was what i felt at that time.

You did not come out and say "i wish you would die". But I was very confident you had said that. You did suggest you wish I had not come back after my steemicide. It takes forever to scroll down and find older posts and comments but i did, last night i scrolled right past it.

Now I remember it the way I remember because that's how it made me feel. And you remember how heated that thread got, not just me but i was quite loud. I'm not wrong in feeling like you wished i had buggared off. You would not be wrong to feel that way either with the words i used.

I was so adamant you had said i went check the blockchain to see if it had been edited out. (though i don't see that being in your character to do i just needed to check.)

And it's all good. ^^

So you didn't say the exact quote but it was suggested.

I said you said you were quitting and coming back.

This is why I said.
It was the action of one person that got you emotional. We're passionate about this place. It's allowed.

Anyways.... Keeping me on my toes. ^^

You hadn't the need to go to the effort of pasting what I said. It was not wishful thinking on my part when I stated that I never told you to die. I knew I did not say any such thing.

Also, the very post of mine that you linked clearly states that I was taking a break for reasons that were not connected with dan's retirement. I had just heard the news when logging in to write a post about taking a short break, and felt the need to comment on it is all. The break was not an emotional response or a failed attempt to quit Steemit. As previously explained in a number of posts, my break was so that I could educate myself on animation so that I might be able to branch out to YouTube and promote Steemit through my content on there. So, quitting is most definitely not a good word for what I did. More like, it was more akin to "going all-in."

Read my response to our last back and forth first.
As to the solutions your presenting? I went further. LOL that's an understatement. I went to jail for my beliefs about these very things. To Anyone who has never been through this, the way they portray it on TV is almost romantic in comparison to the truth. In reality, the dignity that is stripped from you is hard to put into words. Being carried to a room where they forcibly remove your clothing and roughly feel you up in what they call a strip search...ask me if my arrest was about anything that would give them cause to do such a thing. Obviously you understand the answer is no. And jail? That is not even close to the farthest I went. And Howie...
If you're interested in that story, among many, many others, we can talk about it in chat.
I did all of these things that you are mentioning here and much more. In fact I have a much bigger solution than you're presenting here, I've been to the end of the rabbit hole, I know what's there.
I wrote more, but I can't really cover this here in a comment so I deleted it. If you're about more than words, then you'll come talk to me.
Oh, yes I gave you a couple of articles a long while back that would have served as a nice introduction to what I'm referring to. And I even began writing you a conclusion, damn thing was already two thousand words. But you never did follow up. Not giving you a hard time, just saying.
And I do adore you ;)

You hadn't told me of this but, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest. We all must be ready for the potential consequences of rebelling against a system of oppression, but again, if we just had more people involved, there would be too many of us to punish.

My apologies. It is hard for me to find the time to read everything. It is not that I do not plan to, but it is difficult to find the time at the cost of one's creativity. I shall make more of an effort.

No need for apologies. if anything that is my honor. Winter has caused me to sink far too deeply into this cyber world. Ironically, I am generally more like you, time slipping away from me as I do many things, feeling I've accidentally overlooked people, but recently I have been very much here and nowhere else.
I was in never do disappoint me, (though I may have you. I expect nothing less from you than that response.)

You haven't posted anything of your own for awhile. I stumbled across a video link I thought you might appreciate.

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