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RE: My Actifit Report Card: February 27 2019 💯✨

in #actifit5 years ago (edited)

Oh darn! 3 minuets out on the screen capture this time around Eric! I love how intentional you were with your steps and photos to go along with your efforts! This considered I, however, have to stick to solid parameters so as to keep the #AutomaticWin protocol clear and concise.

I know that you did accomplish the 10,000 steps before 10am as your screen capture shows steps well in advance of the required 10,000 though.

I have had this happen a couple times before with other people registering their steps and it's always a difficult decision for me to make. I am a human reading the efforts of my fellow human beings. I am not a computer but it seems that the more we use computer technology the more programmed we become.

I'm truly sorry about this! I hope that you understand and that your next #AutomaticWin sends you forward and continues to build your momentum towards a lifestyle of intentional stepping!

Good job on getting the 17,834 steps!!! High-Five!


I totally understand Wil. You know I thought I had taken a screenshot at around 9:30 but something came up and I forgot. I remembered just at 10:02. That happens sometimes.
Now am trying to get an automaticwin at least once or twice a week. Going to work takes a toll on me most times😎
Thank you for stopping by Wil 🙏👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for understanding Eric! You know what! That's a great goal! At least twice a week!

My consistency goal is to achieve 3 #AutomaticWin's (or more) per. week so I guess you and I have similar goals hey?

Work has it's way of taking it's toll but that's the challenging/creative part... How to overcome the limitations and aspire above your station. Keep your chin up and keep on stepping my friend! :)

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