Always Time for Meal Prep {Plus Hit Double Digit Mileage!}

in #actifit5 years ago

Wow, what a weekend! Well, really just a jammed entire week that just ended. Lots of good things going on in my world, but I wouldn't mind a slower paced day somewhere on the horizon. I woke up really early for a Sunday because my mind tends to get a bit of a buzz when I know I want to accomplish a lot in a given day. What's better than whipping up some pancakes with that extra time, right?

No surprise that I have plenty of strawberries that make for a delicious breakfast topping. The pancakes themselves were just blended up oats, banana, almond milk, tatsoi and lemon balm from the garden. Easy peasy for a pre-run meal full of healthy carbs!

I had been trying to fit in a 10 mile run for the last week, so that was priority number one on the docket (after breakfast, of course). 😉 It's been getting warmer around here, so I prefer to get out early in the day to enjoy some cooler temps. Especially for the longer runs! As is I still sweat off about 2 pounds of water that I needed to replenish.

I'm still feeling solid in my runs! I haven't been on quite as good of a roll as I was a few weeks ago, but I'm hitting all the major training runs I feel like I need. Only a month out from my half marathon! Since this was my first time running in the double digit mileage this year, I took it really conservative to start but finished out at a good pace. Looking for a few more longer runs and I'll be ready for race day.

Despite plenty of other things to do, I never skimp on meal prep! Good nutrition is at the base of everything I do. No matter what else is going on I try to go into the week with some veggie-packed meals ready to go. This afternoon I put together a quick stir fry with black rice and an almond butter sauce. That will make for a delicious lunch for both @dksart and myself.

He also did his part with cooking up some veggies I prepared for the grill. That's one method of cooking I leave to his expertise. 😋

The farmers market had the first yellow squash of the season, so I mixed that with sweet onion and bell pepper. The mushrooms I stuffed with chickpeas, garden cress, fresh oregano, spring onion, balsamic vinegar, nutritional yeast and some spices. Not a bad way to end off the day!

Alright folks, time to chill for a few hours before I totally pass out! Hope you all had a great weekend, as well!

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Looks like a delicious cruelty-free feast

Yay 21k!!

Such an active and healthy lifestyle is an inspiration. The weeks never really slow down and we might as well attack them all with zeal and amazing looking food.

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Thanks @zekepickleman! Very true on just continuing to move forward in the healthiest way possible! I had been pretty quiet with work and other things for a few months, but I have to say despite being a little overwhelmed at certain moments I would much rather be busy! It means I'm doing some good and inspiring others to tackle their own health and fitness goals!

Wow girl, very busy Sunday. All that running and meal prepping! Awesome that you're going to be running a half marathon. I know you can do it!

Moving and grooving all day! It can be challenging to carve out the time to run for an hour and a half on these long run days, but it feels so good when I finally get it in! Looking forward to race day coming up soon. :)

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Thanks Actifit!

Just stopped in to give some love @plantstoplanks, that WAS a full day.
Well done

Thanks Jerry! I'm STILL catching up, haha!

I made a FFF post last Sat, and tagged both you and @puravidaville in a
Comment on it, I guess I didn't tag you well enough.
I made a short video and everything

Hey there! Aahh, I knew I missed something in the hustle and bustle of the weekend! I tried catching up on everything yesterday, but must have missed that one. Coming right over...

Some fantastic ideas there, @plantstoplanks. Loving the mushrooms and the pancakes which I might have called fritters or patties. Hahaha! What's in a name?

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Thanks my foodie friend! Yep, I don't care what it's called if it tastes delicious! Though I have to say I enjoy some other names for things like aubergine (usually just called eggplant here) and rocket (much more fun than arugula). Ooh and courgette vs zucchini. 😉

Hahaha! Now there's a title or a theme for a series of posts: what about cilantro aka coriander or in this country, dhanya and another which is specific also to South Africa: Spanspek for cantaloupe!

Ooh, that would be fun! I don't think spanspek is going to catch on here, haha!

You better hydrate and rest. lol
Saying the least after a run like that.

Yep! Lots of water, and I still had some strawberry gazpacho left from my event on Saturday which was great to help refuel and rehydrate at the same time! :)

Wow, I'm not sure what I want first, the pancakes and strawberries or th stuffed bellas. You are set for the week. Love this! I bet you smile each morning just thinking about your lunch, lol Really beautiful photos, delicious!

Just some potato and broccoli soup left to make, then perhaps something else with the bit of strawberries we have left in the refrigerator! It is quite satisfying to look in there and see a full shelf of healthy food ready to go! I have a hard time now just making a meal for one evening for us, haha!

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