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RE: Opoutere Beach, New Zealand (Final Day in Kiwi Land)

in #actifit5 years ago

Hey @dandays! I was wondering if you were still on the platform but it's great to see you again! I better check I'm still following you too as it seems to randomly unfollow people from time to time (which is a bug that needs to be resolved)!

As for adding one of my tracks to your video, it'd be an honour although I don't have much on YouTube at the moment.

The longest dnb track I have is around 7 minutes but it doesn't fit into the jungle type sounds. I do have a track called discovery which uses amen breaks and I'll upload it to dsound later today if you wanted to have a listen. I'll make it a free download so you can grab a copy and listen in to it, let me know what you think. It's a very upbeat track. It's about 5m 40s. There's another one called Desire which is a bit more "percussive", saucy and has a rolling bassline so can share a link to that as well.

Thanks for reaching out!

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Of course Nicky, my pleasure dude. Sorry for the long delay. My account has actually unfollowed several people, I bet between 5-10. Actually Nicky, I was just being picky. I’ll explain.

Just a drum n bass track as an ambient background sound is really what I’m looking for. I unintentionally made a short film. It’s all time lapsed, in under 3 minutes I have 55 sound effects going on so the music will actually fade in and out.

The first person I thought of was you. I’d love to use one of your tracks sir and, of course, give you credit. So, as long as it’s drum n bass, that’s the important part, I was being picky reaching for a jungle beat. I’m in a new country right now, I don’t have nor do I have access to a pc so dsound won’t work for me.

I’ll work with whatever you give me. Actually, I’m really looking forward to it, I think you’ll dig it. The percussions in Desire may be perfect—is it on YouTube?

Thanks, Nicky.

edit Where’d you go??

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Hey Dan! Bit of a bummer about it unfollowing people, I feel honoured you remember me then haha!

A short film? What about? Are you travelling as well then? I have just uploaded a drum & Bass track to dsound from you reaching out, I've tagged you in it, in case you don't get it then here it is. I decided to go for Discovery as it sounds like we're both on a journey of Discovery at the moment :) Let me know if it's alright for your video, otherwise, I'll upload Desire tomorrow!

If dsound doesn't load for you then I have created a wetransfer link for you so it should start the download if you click here - it's valid for 7 days so hope you can get access to it. I don't have it uploaded anywhere else at the moment and no video on YouTube. The internet I have is OK but a pit patchy at times but it definitely won't be able to handle an upload to YouTube!

If you can't access either, I'll see if I can get a soundcloud link set up with a download and you can grab it from there?

I've been to Australia and New Zealand, still floating around in Australia now (Melbourne area) for another month then fly back to the UK and hopefully start back at the company I was temping at - who knows, maybe a permanent job - yeaaaa boiiii!

OH CRAP!! That truck—dude!! Man, I can’t type ‘thank you’ big enough.

Yeah, I’m just guessing with that number, I’ve had a few people mention to me and then I have to feel terrible like “it’s not my fault.” Just lately, have you been having the same issue where your text gets deleted if you leave the page? That’s about enough to piss me off. I’ve been in the middle of really long responses, leave the page for a minute and all is well. Not anymore, now if I leave, the entire body gets deleted.

Oh man, I can’t wait to show you this film!

What it is, is.. I put together a day in the life of my wife and I. Everything from cooking to driving to the beach, all the way to watching the sunset which, by the way, got caught in a storm—AND captured it!

I recorded it in about 5-6 different days with pieces here and there, I would guess as many as 8 total hours of record time that I’ve cut, edited and time lapsed into 3 minutes. I’ll release it this Friday.

Of course I won’t forget about you, sir. You’re my drum n bass guy! Whenever I need some DnB you’re always gonna be my man! 👍🏿

Oh my goodness.. I can’t wait for my wife to wake up so I can start adding your track to this video. Nicky, I have a feeling you’re going to really enjoy what I do with your track. I couldn’t stop smiling while listening to it... head bobbin, fingers snappin, the whole 9–I’m really looking forward to it.

Traveling, yes. We’ll have been in Costa Rica for 6 months at the end of his month—that’s plenty! This country is nothing as I expected. I’m very disappointed actually. We’re flying across the Atlantic next, we recently received an incredible opportunity in England. From there, we plan on going to Spain but “Plan” is a funny wOrd. I laugh at plans and coincidences. 😉

Eh, congratulations on the permanent job. Or, I’m sorry! Ha!! Whichever one fits best for the end of this response.

Thanks again, Nicky! I’ll reach out to you soon, man I’m so excited to put this thing together. Have a great day, sir.

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Ah gee! I'm so glad you like it!

I've not seen that issue with the text disappearing though, normally it saves it in the cache I think if you leave the page but I am always wary of that. Had a few instances where the beautifully crafted post would vanish on a rotating of the screen... Arg!

Your video sounds pretty awesome, like a ulog/vlog? I can't wait to see it and how you're going to use Discovery in it! Bring on Friday!
Damn, 6 months of travelling! I'm at 2 months traveling myself but only have until the 30th then it's home sweet home! Sorry to hear you've been disappointed, I haven't been to Costa Rica before so can't comment on it, I'm sure you'll have a blast in Europe.

I'm actually looking forward to starting the job. I was enjoying it when I left for traveling and I'll be going in to a slightly more advanced role hopefully so a little bit more moolah, which will help with the financial haemorrhage at the moment!

Take it easy man!

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