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RE: #breadbakers - bread pudding (includes recipe): January 18 2019

in #actifit6 years ago

Oh gorgeous, my Dad's favourite but interesting. We always call it bread and butter pudding. They both seem the same, somI will look forward to the recipe.
I can't believe you used that delicious rye bread though!


I went a bit crazy and made some cheese and onion bread before I had eaten all the rye bread, and then there was an earlier loaf using a different brand of yeast that hadn't turned out well. Something had to be done, and it's a long time since I've had enough bread to make a pudding, usually I just make breadcrumbs and put them in the freezer.

The scraps of cheese and onion bread I chopped into small dice and dried in the oven to make croutons. They would also be a really nice drinks snack - a bit like cheese straws. That loaf was a great success, taste wise, although it looked a bit strange :)

Bread and butter pudding is different and quite posh. It's nice white bread spread with butter, cut into triangles and neatly layered in a pudding dish. Two eggs beaten into half a pint of milk and maybe a drop of vanilla extract are poured over and the bread left to soak for a good half an hour. A handful of currants (not sultanas or raisins for this dish) are sprinkled over before the pudding is cooked in a moderate oven for 35-40 minutes until the custard is set. It is divine.

I agree! Bread pudding is totally different from bread and butter pudding. I love both. I think it might be geographical. We grew up on bread and butter pudding but i'd never tried bread pudding until I came to Wales.. it's a bit more like cake isn't it?

It is more like cake. Bread and butter pudding is much lighter - down south at any rate :).

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