
Thankyou so much Oh Dreemy one, I am constantly ashamed every time I see your name in my feed, you are one of the names on several post-it notes that have sat alongside my PC for far, far too long. I have meant to become far better acquainted with your projects and your blog and the wonderful community minded enigma that is @dreemsteem for what feels like an eternity.

Sadly as is oft the case, life, work and more recently health have been the meddlesome flies in the ointment that interrupt the best laid plans. Oops all these musings are actually the realm of @stevenwood not @stowaway an account that never really got off the ground.

I will make an effort to make those connections that have so far gone... Uhm... Unmade I guess! The future is, after all, happening as we speak. Sorry to leave one of my British pompous windbag comments, Brevity has also been n my to-do list for far too long.

All I really meant to say was...

Thank YOU so much for the wishes and for being an ambassador for this wonderful platform, who deserves that title more than most. Take great care and thanks for taking a moment, it is appreciated 🙂

((You may have gathered I am a happy and perhaps a little hyper to be back in the block-chain game, oh I have missed the community!))

Ohhhhh how precious this comment was to my heart!!!! 😊

Unfortunately... If you take a peek at my blog... You'll see it's been quiet.

I decided to no longer post on steem because I don't agree with the mentality behind some of the changes in HF21

I believe they show a particular disrespect to many people in the community who have been loyal ans continued to post even when steem prices plummeted.

But.. I do still lurk and leave comments and upvotes when people tag me in a post... or I find myself wandering the halls...hehehe

I still do love to support the community and give encouragement when I can :)

Right now most of my time has been diverted to my Spunkee Monkee project which is no longer on the blockchain either.

It will have its own site elsewhere and I'll continue to spread my Dreemie cheer there hehehehe

Thank you for brightening my day!!!! 🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

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