My Actifit Report Card: March 25 2019

in #actifit5 years ago (edited)

Good evening dear Steemians and Actifitters!

Today was a very special actifity day for me! In my episode #4 of my show CRYPTO TALK participated @mcfarhat (one of the members of the Actifit team) and we talked about Actifit. It was really an honor to me to talk with him. You can watch my DTube video.

In the afternoon I did a lot of Steeming. Also, I researched the upcoming token sale of Top Network on Huobi Global PRIME platform.

Early in the evening I went outside. Traveled by bus to the city center. When I got off the bus I took a picture of this church:

I don't know why but I really find this church very interesting.

Then my evening stroll started. I just walked on the streets and took pictures of different buildings:

I really liked this old building with this interesting tower:

And I liked this small old building with its tower:

I always wanted to live in a building with a tower, and to have a room or an apartment in the top/ on the last floor of the tower.

Ok, a bit later I went to one of my favorite self-service restaurants:

Luckily, there were not that many people.

And this is what I actually ordered for dinner:

Solyanka soup with meat. This actually one of my favorite soups in Russia. Also, I had some chicken with vegetables and boiled potatoes. I paid for my dinner approximately 5,5 SBD. This place is really cheap. But, since I don't cook at home I have to visit such kind of places, where the food is not expensive ... So, this is how I survive :). I have a list of cheap restaurants that I visit during lunchtime or in the evening for dinner. I've worked all my life in offices 8 hours a day, that's why my lifestyle has changed. I never had the time for cooking at home ... Anyway!

Ah, it turned out that during this week in this restaurant they are having Asian Cuisine Week:

Half of the meals, and salads, and desserts were kind of Asian ... but I was very hungry, that's why I didn't wanted to experiment and chose a traditional Russian food.

Ok, after dinner, my evening stroll continued. While walking on the streets I saw that in Papa John's Pizza they don't let dogs get inside:

That's why I didn't get into and continued my stroll ... because I walk a lot, like a dog, so I am a kind of dog :).

A few minutes later I took a picture of this Irish pub, called White Heart:

Last summer a fellow Steemian SteemCafe visited Moscow. He came from far away, from Las Vegas. So while he was in Moscow once we went to this pub. Actually, he motivated me a lot about Steem, and after having met him I've become very active on STEEM blockchain.

I just walked on the street for one more hour and took a picture of this building. Guess why?

Because there is a small tower on the top of the building.

A few minutes later I was next to Bolshoi Theater:

To be honest, Russians go to theaters very often. Even when you meet some Russian/s for first time they can invite to Theater. But, I have never visited them. Because I am from Bulgaria. And in my country, people very rarely go to theaters. I've been wondering why? And I've come to one conclusion. I was a student in Vienna, Austria. Austrians go to Theater, Operas, etc also very often. The same here in Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc. Probably, this is because of the Imperial era. In many European countries that used to be significant Empires people go to theaters, operas, etc. Because, it seems to me that it was a lifestyle during that era. So, it is a kind of tradition. As I said I am from Bulgaria. During the Imperial era my country was a part of the Ottoman Empire. In the Ottoman Empire probably theaters, operas, etc. were not developed... that's why nowadays people in Bulgaria don't have such kind of traditions to visit such kind of places. Ok, this is just my point of view.

So, my evening stroll continued and I went to Alexandrovsky park or garden. I took a picture of the statue of this monk:

I like statues!

Then I took a picture of one of the towers of the Kremlin:

Btw, in old Russian language Kremlin means fortress. It comes from the old Russian word Krom = city/fortress. So, there are many kremlins in Russia. Almost in all old/medieval Russian cities. My favorite one is in Pskov. Last year I even wrote a post about it. I have visited the Pskov kremlin many times. Btw, I've just found another old post about Kazan Kremlin as well.

So, this is another picture of that tower of the Moscow Kremlin:

I also took a picture of those bulidings that stand opposite to that tower of the Moscow Kremlin:

Later I went to the metro station and traveled back home. So, at about 11:15 p.m. I was already at home.

That's it for today! Thank you for stopping by and reading!

Fellow Steemians and Actifitters, I hope
your week has started well! Stay active and be fit!

Daily Activity, Walking
180 cm
84 kg
Body Fat


Ah, but now that you don't work, you have have time to learn how to cook :)

@frankvvv, yeah, you are right...

That's very exciting! Your dining place looks good, too. I'll be back to read the rest of your story 😊

@shanibeer, thank you for stopping by! Of course, those meals are incomparable with yours.

I like the towers. Sometimes English houses have a tower or a turret, octagonal in shape with windows all around. I've always fancied one of those :) But my favourite things in a house are: french windows onto the garden; a balcony; an open fireplace where you can burn logs :)
What is the climate like in Bulgaria? Is it like the Mediterranean?

16k is legit dood!

It seems that @behelen and you post your actifit posts at the same time every day and I get shamed by the incredible amount of steps you constantly put up.

Check hers out too as she shares a story in pics just like you do.

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We publish posts so, because we are the Russian mafia)))!
In fact, we both live in Russia and publish reports at the end of the day).

@zekepickleman, we live in the same time zone. That's why. Thank you for stopping by, dood!

Amaaaaaaazing Bluuuuuuue Sky ! :) 💙 ♩♬♬

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Hehe! Blue is the color!

곰돌이가 @bluengel님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.014을 보팅해서 $0.009을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 3808번 $45.070을 보팅해서 $47.197을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

고마운 곰도뤼~♥

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Great stepping buddy 💪. I will make some time to watch your video with McFarhat, that must be interesting 😎. Il love all the night pictures, looking fantastic.
Wishing you a fun and active Tuesday ahead 👍 😁

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@practicaleric, thank you man! Yeah, the video with Farhat was really very interesting.

Beautiful publication. Photos of historical and architectural monuments are striking in their beauty. I am always attracted to quality content. Thank you for your work.

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@yuriy4, thank you a lot for your nice comment!.

Обычно в башнях на последнем этаже живут принцессы в сказках))).

С удовольствием посмотрю 4 эпизод Твоего show CRYPTO TALK!

@behelen, спасибо за просмотор 4 эпизода. Мне он очень понравился.

Ты и сейчас не готовишь дома?

На Твоём месте один раз в театр я бы всё-таки сходила. На Шекспира, например.
Когда приехала в Ростов, очень любила ходить в театр, именно на Шекспира. Современные пьесы не люблю. Классика бессмертна).

Хе-хе. Театр не для меня. Не любли закрытых пространств.

а как же кафе и квартиры? Они тоже закрытые))

share your @actifit with beautiful photography.

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@shuvo35, thank you my friend!

Прекрасные виды!

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Да, это точно!

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