What Would Your Mother Like For You?

in #achievements6 years ago

Most of us had or have mothers that always want the best of us. Some were raised by grandmothers, aunts or just fathers. It doesn't really matter because whoever raised you wanted the best for you; otherwise, they would have never raised you.


We all know what is good and bad. We all know it requires discipline to achieve anything worthy in life. Whether the person that raised you was good to you or not, you should always show you are capable to achieve bigs things in life.

Never let anyone tell you otherwise, because you have the power to decide what you want in life. Don't waste that power and use it for your own benefit by always being compationate with others.

"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".

Stay blessed.


God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.
Truly said "whoever raised you wanted the best for you"

wow so true mother is the blessings for all the children's no matter how many problems come around your way she will always be there as a strongest wall to protect you ... mother is second god which has granted to us @javybar

You made a great point, they are always there when hard times come to support us unconditionally. Thank you very much for your contribution.

yes i agree and it's true our mother do everything and give so many sacrifices she may done and never let you realize how hard she go throw for us it's mother noone can take place of mother because she's is the only one really care for there childrens @javybar

They have done a lot for us whether we realize about it or not. We should always feel grateful everyday, thank you :)

totally completely agree with you ... mom is mom no one can replace that place naver

hello, @javybar Thanks for sharing these articles............
It's really great to see your own writing today. I wish you good health and pray for your long life.

My mom is my world! I love my mom.

Yes we should always have faith in ourselves that we are capable of doing anything so we should never let anyone show us down. Everyones maothers have dreams for their children and want them to achieve great thing in life but first of all what we should want and what put mother wants is for us to be good human being. Always have faith in ourselves 😊 thanks for sharing another great post.

Very nice thoughts my friend. It's all about appreciation and learning. Thank you :)

No doubt Mother has no alternative in the world @javybar. Here is something I feel best:
My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.”
—George Washington.
Thanks for touching my feelings. Keep it up man!

Very nice quote there. I never knew George Washington said this, thank you :)

Your mother is the only human being who likes her children to be better than her and seeks to help them achieve their ambitions
We ask the Almighty to keep our nation from all evil

amen to that :)

MOTHER is the only person on this Earth who sacrifice her life, Happiness, joy just for its children without any expectaion but only for the happinness and betterment of her children..This is why God created mother bcoz He can't reach everywhere...There is no doubt that mother do things which no human can does and its not for greatness...Mother is most precious gift of God in our life for whom her's childrens life is more important than her life...I am very fortunate to a have such beautiful person in my life and always thanks to God for it...She deserves the most respect and love in the world...So treasure her...Thanks @javybar for sharing the most valuable post which help most of the people to realise how fortunate we are to have mother.

You have a lot of love for your mother, very happy this is still something people do. I still have lots of faith in humanity. Thank you for your contribution :)

Ut's amazing topic i really really very happy to talk about mother . In this world if you have sincere true relation only your mother. All mothers in this world actually are same . They all want there kids get good feture . Even they try the best for there kids . We are also try best to care them when they are old . And i think who take care there old parents he is very rich and lucky . Because he have his parents to take care. I pray we all take care our parents . Thanks a lot sir @javybar you give us a great topic to talk about parents . Im very sorry my English is very poor please ignore my mistake .
Stay blessed.
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Understood everything you said my friend. Love of mothers is something that us priceless. The love is very unconditional without getting anything in return. Thank you for your contribution.

Sir @javybar you are very generous and im always impresse your kindness . Yes i have only mother and i really love my mother . Thanks fir reply me . Take care.
Steem on!

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