When the Aceh is not Indonesia

in #aceh8 years ago (edited)

IMG_8806 - ok.jpg

Face of the Aceh people

Aceh, also spelled Acheh, Achin (Dutch Atjeh), located in northern tip of Sumatra island, the capital Bandar Aceh Darussalam. When the Dutch controlled Aceh (1873-1942), the name of the capital is replaced with Kuta Raja, the location remained the same place, now Banda Aceh.

Aceh's population in 1898 is estimated to 535.432, of which 328 Europeans, China 3933, 30 Arabs, and 372 other foreign Asiatics.

Two Dutch soldiers stood between cannons produced by the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. Photo taken in 1880, after the seizure of the royal palace Aceh in Aceh-Dutch War. Souce Image

The city is connected by rail to the Ulèë Lheuë port, and the line also extends to the valley. The goods export are mainly is pepper. Some of the important industries are:

  • Making Weapons
  • Craft gold
  • Weaving silk
  • Making pottery
  • Agriculture
  • Fishermen
  • Trade

Cannon of Aceh, now housed in the Museum Bronbeek. Source image: Historisch Genootschap Redichem

The Acehnese, from the Malay race, but a bit high and not so much fun performing as Malays true, considers itself from a mixture of Arab descent, China, Europe, and India. The differences in terms of culture and language. In everyday life, Malay language is the second language in Aceh.


Sitting (left side) Qadhi Malikul adil (the judge who made the decision for the kingdom of Aceh), Teuku Imum Lungbata (War Commander).
Standing: Imum Mukim (Comparable position governor) [left side] and Syahbandar of Aceh (portmaster) [right side].
Photo taken during a visit to Singapore in 1870 to support the mission of arms from Britain, France, America and other countries in Aceh friendship, for supplies of war with the Netherlands. Souce Image

When the in government Samudra Pasai and Aceh Darussalam.

Aceh is not only independent, but have swallowed all the other states of Sumatra. Including most of the island of Java and the Malay states of Johor, Pahang, Kedah and Perak.

In this video narrated the role of the two phases. First, the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai from the year 1297. Then the government control switch to the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam from year 1530 to 1945. At this time Aceh, just a piece of land in the north of the Sumatra island is undergoing downturns in the control of the Republic Indonesia.

See Video graphic. Duration: 2.37 minute.

I created this video for a documentary that I was working together @keuudeip. In the video does not show you the source of illustrations music, but I will show here. Music: Hamidreza Dibazar and Foozhan Orchestra "Hemaasi and Insanity"

Sir James Lancaster Source image

Aceh has a great reputation as a place of trade is shown by the fact that, this is the first port of the Netherlands (1599) and England (1602) commercial ventures directed to the East Indies.

Sir James Lancaster, commanded the first East India Company voyage in 1601, carrying a letter from Queen Elizabeth to the king of Aceh, and was well received by the authorities of Aceh. The King of Aceh replied, but by the time his letter reached London, Elizabeth had died. The reply was read by her successor, James I and VI. Another exchange of letters took place between King James I. and Iskandar Muda in 1613.
Then, in 1621, the French establish a relationship with Aceh.

In a proportion of traders from different parts of the world there are choosing to settle in Aceh as representatives of trade missions, including traders from the UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal.

Aceh archives stored in Copenhagen and is dated 1734 AD, are proof of payment of duty charge of a Danish merchant ship at Bandar Aceh Darussalam. Source image on the @mapesa post The Witnesses Payment of Duty Danish Merchant Ship, 1734 AD

The most prominent are the traders from China who survived until now and be able to speak fluent Aceh.

Yin-Yang symbol is Chinese philosophy created in the old shopping building in Aceh Tamiang. 1932 on the bottom of the symbol. Please see my previous post

It was only a cursory summary of the brief history of reading.

The face of an old woman of Aceh.


I like' this articel

if you are interested? I am very happy if you publish to the http://www.portalsatu.com/

Versi bahasa lokal na Bg... Hahaha

Nyan laju neuterjemah, hahaha...

Hehehe... Diplung terjemahan enteuk

Wow really great work , i found you while i was scrolling, thanks a lot for the information and knowledge you provided everyone( followed and keep it up!!)

I really like this article. Having been born in Australia, I feel like Aceh was a close neighbour.

I'm curious why you are using the 'cn' tag. Is that for chinese readers?

At the bottom of the article, I mentioned specifically the Chinese people who are still alive and mingle with the people of Aceh. If the tag was considered abuse, I'll delete it.

No. I was just curious.

@vannour do you think that the Aceh community would use a voice chat channel in Discord? I'm curious whether it would help the community become self supporting through allowing a common meeting point.

I can't answer that question

It depends on what users of cn tag want. Content related to China or content in Chinese language? It doesn't seem that any have complained yet though.

I think so.

Interesting post! Thanks to share it with us ^_^

How did you hear about Steemit? I had never heard of this place before and yet lately I've seen many accounts created from there, a lot of content from/about Aceh. Do you know anything about how this may be happening?

I heard it from @safar01, he suggested to create an account here.
Why did that happen?
Togetherness in society lead it to happen. It was like a chain messages. If examined in terms of anthropology, the people of Aceh have a character wants to try something new.

Maybe several of Acehnese netizens and crypto traders found this platform from bitcointalk.org. I think... and then, viral...

@vannour interesting ,,, I always think that when I see ACeh here and @steemvest17 keeps reminding me they're not the same

We're have different culture. Maybe Philipines have some similar culture with us, compared with Indonesia/Java :)

@steemvest17 surely.. probably the language too ;)

That's the truth. However, depending on one's mental and understanding of identity.

@vannour anyhow we all share the same blood .. or something like that

Actually, we do not want a setback such as this.

@vannour elaborate

EDIT: replying on your nested comment
ah that part - nobody wants that .. nobody ...
no to war
nobody wants that except the sick in the head

This is the peace that failed in 2005.
Whether it will happen again? If conditions do not improve, I think the conflict will happen again.

Please read


And since 1945 until now Aceh is a province of Indonesia. Duh ... !

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