07 Dec 2016 Grieving Aceh - The earthquake has claimed Lives

in #aceh8 years ago (edited)

Aceh flags marked with a flag at half mast in mourning Aceh

Earthquake Magnitude 6.4 Scala Righter shook Aceh-Sumatra this morning, with the depth of the epicenter 10 KM from the northeast "Pidie Jaya" Aceh-Sumatra, an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale this morning is not a potential tsunami it in Disclose by BMKG (Meteorological, Climatological , AIR QUALITY AND GEOPHYSICAL) Aceh-Sumatra.

A number of shop-in Keude Ulee Gle, Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya, collapsed due to the earthquake, Wednesday (07/12/2016). Image Credit SERAMBI / Ferizal HASAN

The earthquake this morning also remind our people of Aceh-Sumatra moment 10 years ago when in December 10 last year a devastating disaster has struck Aceh-Sumatra and claimed thousands of lives at that time, but the earthquake this morning only claimed the lives of hundreds of human beings are not reached thousand.

Now the people of Aceh-Smatra bereaved by this disaster. in the center of earthquake this morning as hundreds of homes were severely damaged even large buildings such as the market also collapsed and casualties.

At my place, the city of Lhokseumawe, earthquakes society thronged derah trickle ran high and far to the sea, it is because people fear the events of 10 years ago when the earthquake and tsunami that struck Aceh thousands of casualties.

I had documented the incident on the bridge "Cunda" when the community memadatinya to escape from the tsunami, but a tsunami early this morning did not happen because the government of Aceh-Sumatra has announced that an earthquake measuring 6.4 scala Richter did not trigger a tsunami just tore down hundreds of houses belonging to the community and public facilities and places of worship.

A number of shop-in Keude Ulee Gle, Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya, collapsed due to the earthquake, Wednesday (07/12/2016). Image Credit SERAMBI / Ferizal HASAN

With this morning's earthquake, the community again contracted the trauma caused by the disaster ten years ago, now the public and the government busy to help evacuate the people affected by this earthquake.

For now the world need to know that the Aceh-Sumatra bereaved and on humanitarian grounds we always grieve when other human beings are experiencing a disaster. Thanks


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