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RE: "Pride Will Have A Fall" - About The Risk Of Resting On One's Laurels And The Importance Of Accountability In Business

in #accountability6 years ago

Accountability counts for all parts of life, if you take accountability for your actions and teach this your kids, then life will be a completely different experience. It's something I've always told my teams in hotels, 'that table is your responsibility, from the moment they sit down until the leave', the same for the quest checking in. This is how you create loyal customers by making your staff realise their responsibility but the ultimate accountability lies with you as departmental head.

Companies have to do this on all levels in their organisation and the same goes for steem(it). If you stagnate or stop listening to the people who made you 1 of 2 things will happen, 1 business stagnates and hopefully you realise in time and take remedial action or 2 business declines, customers complain and leave and this has a knock-on effect and you won't be able to recover anymore.

Great post!


Thank you very much for the insight, @wolfje. I think the hotel - where a good working service is one of the key assets - is a great example in that context. Working with customers always means to both have a thick skin and an incredibly kind attitude. It's there were you actually learn how to be 100% self-critical and humble.

Companies have to do this on all levels in their organisation and the same goes for steem(it). If you stagnate or stop listening to the people (...), 1 business stagnates (...) or declines.

Agreed. It's key to realize how important accountability is as long as you have the chance to demonstrate it. Customers and users are merciless - not because they're complicated characters, but because they know that their time is extraordinarily valuable. So if they can't spend it wisely at one place, they move on to another one.

Again, thanks for the great adding. I'm glad you stopped by :-)
Have a nice weekend!

Especially in the digital world we live in ... customers give their feedback left, right and center, so potentially millions of people see/read it!

You have a great weekend as well!

That's true! It's almost impossible to hide a thing. This is quite challenging for the one that offers, but also extraordinarily benefitial to the one that purchases :-)

I had a very nice weekend, thanks!!

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