The professional account of non-accountability.

in #accountability8 years ago

LinkedIn, its form and its function; Is a place where professionals exchange ideas and or promote themselves with a view to furthering their career prospects; With that in mind, I would like to offer to the readers a few poignant notes on non-accountability.

“It was not me, and, I’m not sure who it may have been”; Is the ominous comment that rings though many an ear of the innocent, from those who are accountable trying to disguise their guilt via non-accountability. There are many examples, and a few light-hearted ones will bring home the truth:

I don’t know how I got that rash, I must have caught if from a toilet seat. It was not me it was a big boy who done it and ran away! I’m not sure how I got pregnant; I was told if I swallow during sex I won’t get pregnant? Yea, me too, I don’t know I got pregnant either, I was told to let him use the back-door, I did, the flowers in the yard looked great too!

Yes, there are some amusing comments that can be made, but the really cool comments are always generated in one of two places. (1). In a U.K.’s Legal profession; (2). Within the U.K.’s medical fraternity. How can two forth-right, upstanding bastions of civility be so open to abuse of the verbal vernacular?

“Your Honor; it may please you to know… …”. Err; Why do you have to please that old fart for in the first place?

“The witness suggests, that her account of the events, are not to dissimilar from an event of presidency; Set in 1816, that of Parker Vs Smith; Before Lord “Load of Bollocks of Lower- Stench up on Trench” … … … Well, to address something more than 200 years ago, and to try and draw an analogy of any resemblance to a current day event is like asking if the cruise control button is next to USB socket is on a horse and cart[!]. It doesn’t work [!], hence “bollocks”; Though the late Lord Bollocks would turn in his grave to think, that some old load of bollocks had been used to bollocks up the outcome of his Lordships Bollocks in the first place, What a load of un-accountable bollocks!

And the moral is? If you’re going be balls’y in your actions make sure you have the biggest pair of bollocks, make sure they are shiny and not made of brass and you have Two, not Three, no one wants to a pawn in somebody else’s balls up.

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