Accountability : I almost forgot!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #accountability8 years ago

I spent an hour making a handy video rig for my phone so I could document my progress, then forgot to actually do the exercise. That is so typically me.

Egad! 1975!

I used to be the guy who couldn't sit still for 10 minutes unless I exercised myself to exhaustion first. All that stuff they tell you about exercising when you are young so that you will be thin and agile in your old age? Not working out for me. But I did finally remember, and even got out my old phone which has the better video camera. At least it seems better to me.

I did tadasana, trikonasana, and the first movements of Tai Chi Chuan modified to be a repeated movement in a small space. Did not do a good job of working them in together, maybe that will have to wait until I can actually do Trikonasana without screaming in pain. I ended up doing almost 3 minutes, because I had to finish the cycle on both sides. I have to balance things out or they bug me all day.

My camera rig worked, but needs to be rebuilt. It's just sculpey and I only made it to see if it would hold when sticky tacked to my sliding glass door. It doesn't, or at least not safely. Most of the time the finished model (with support angles below the platform) will hold my older old phone as a LAN camera for the bird feeder.

Please try my Future History stories - Enmity

Today's efforts:

  • Dumbell bicep curls. 3kg each arm, x 20 reps
  • Bicep stretches
  • Calf stretches
  • 25 minutes walking

It sounds such a pitiful amount. But I have to start slow or I have a tendency to overdo things and wipe myself out. As it is, I needed to have a lie down later in the afternoon, and can hardly keep my eyes open now and it's not even dinnertime!

After several years of no weights, last year I worked out pretty consistently from just before New Year to the end of May, when we had a car accident. It's taken me till now to start up again. But I was pleased that I hadn't lost all condition. I didn't curl as much as I was doing last May, but it was way better than when I started last year.

I'm going back to the split of exercises I was doing last year, which means tomorrow would be a rest day, no weights, just walking. I will walk, but also do some extra stretching.

That's one of the nicest spice racks I've ever seen @baerdric.

Also doubles as a plumber's helper.

A Swiss Spice Rack. Very cool.

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