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RE: I Lost My Master Key

in #account5 years ago

You poor bugger... Hope you manage to find it. I recently lost my phon (again) and had to go through diary's, messages and rack my brain for all sorts of crypto keys... Im still only about 3/4 of the way there. Its frustrating, but a good lesson for me.

Hope it turns up, you've put alot of effort into this account.

Posted using Partiko Android


Completely Lost

@philippekieneI, thanks, but I probably will not be able to find my master key. That's why I'm trying to make a new account.


@drakos, can you help me? I registered for @oatmealjoey on over a week ago. I want a 2nd account because I lost my master key here on this Steem account, @joeyarnoldvn. I was reading an article by @santarius and I think he or she mentioned you, @drakos.

Second Account

This article was saying to see @drakos for help, if your account is not getting approved after 2 weeks.


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