Proving that you are right is just a necessity of your brain!

in #acceptance7 years ago (edited)

Most of the times, the conflicts between two people always starts when one of them is trying to prove that he is right about something, and the other one, doesn't agree with him. But sometimes, the other one is just trying to prove that the person with who he has a conflict, is wrong and that's the only thing he wants.


Let's take for example this:

I can say that the introduction of this post it's a very good one, and I believe that a lot of people will agree with me, but, there will always be at least one person that will say that is not so good. He will start to prove me by giving some good points, why he believes that I don't have a good introduction, and after that, I will start to give him some good points why I think is a good one.

This should be the end of it, but is not always so simple to accept the opinion of a person, and the other person to accept your opinion. I know that there are a lot of this kind of people, that accept all kind of opinions, but we also know that are other people, that can't accept it, and they have other aspects. I have other aspects too, so this is keep going for a long way, but I know that there is no point to keep going, so I decide to stop and tell him: You are right!


Acceptance is the key!

I think that in everything we do there is always a key, and the only thing we have to do is to find that key and set free your bad thoughts from your mind. In the moment when you find that key, you start to realize that there is no point to argue with a person about anything, especially when you see that person is not going to stop.

So, in the moment you stop arguing and tell him that he is right, he starts to realize that too, that there is no sense to keep arguing about it. But some people see that as a weakness and they try to prove that you were wrong. I will suggest you, to don't fall into that trap because you are going to another useless conflict about nothing.


There is no winner in a dispute

We are all humans and as we all know, we all have flaws no matter how smart and educated you think you are. The point is that we are all different, and learn everything differently because that's what make us unique as a person. If I think this is the best introduction for my post for example, is because this is how I learned to do it, and if you learned in another way, that doesn't mean that mine is wrong and yours is the best. Why there should be right and wrong, when it could be right and right! 

People are trying to prove they are always right, even if there is no need for that, but in their mind, they must do it. I think that is just a brain necessity and is locked. So, in reality, you don't have to prove to anyone that you are right, you just need to unlock that necessity and set it free.


What do you think? I am wrong or you are right? Or vice-versa? It doesn't matter who's right or not because we are going to go in the same place at the end of our life.

P.S. Don't start to argue about this! :D


I think you are right... No wait wrong... No wait... Aw darn it!! ;0)

:))) I agree with you! No, wait.... I changed my mind and you are right! Cheers man!

you are both... oh nevermind

:))) of course, we are both! now we are both + one!

Excellent post @the-future, though I will, not for the sake of being contrary, disagree with you on one important facet. "In a dispute, there are no winners", you suggested. I would suggest that there can be winners on both sides in certain circumstances. This requires a good attitude on all sides which should stem from respect.
Should this be the foundation, then all parties and all those affected by the outcome of the dispute can be beneficiaries. As has often been said, one can be wrong in one's rightness and right in one's wrongness. The magnanimity to truly listen 'actively' and ask good questions, rather than speak is the path to agreement. Even just listening or even less: allowing others time and space to voice/vent is a demonstration of preparedness to understand.
Being self-assuredly right in one's own argument is a trait of ignorance and disrespect which means that one might win a battle, maybe more, but the loss of the war is beyond doubt.

I suggested that there are no winners in a dispute because there shouldn't be a dispute in the first place. I mean, yes, people could share friendly their opinions and they both can be winners because they have learned something from each other. But, in a dispute when one is trying to prove a point and another one is trying to prove that he is wrong, well, I can say that there is no winner. Thanks a lot for this great feedback you provided and feel free to reply​ back if you want, I won't feel that you are trying to argue with me.

Certainly no argument with me, my friend! Disagreements, disputes, arguments, call them what you will, are a natural occurrence in every day life. If you are looking for a dispute-free existence, then it is a solitary life - and even then you are not assured!! You make the point well, though, that if your sole desire is to prove a point, then you will meet with a disappointing conclusion to the episode.
I have often advocated that we have two ears and one moth and that the use of these in those proportions is advisable. Again, great post. Good work!

Nicely said @ebryans, I really like it and I'm glad that you leave me such great comments on my post. Two ears to listen two times more than we speak! Thanks again my friend it really means a lot for me! Cheers!

It's amazing post!!
Exchellent work again my friend :)

I'm glad you like it @djsonic. Thank you very much for your kind word!

We all have our own opinions about everything, people should respect each other enough and accept there not always going to agree with each other

Of course, we all have different opinions because that makes us unique and respecting each other will have a huge impact for a better life!

Very well said :)

Thank you for your kind words, ​Karen! I appreciate your support!

Your welcome :)

You are quite right about the psychological part.
However, I've found out for myself that there are things worth arguing about, even though I know that the other person will not accept any of my arguments.
I normally will concede in the end: "Alright you have your opinion, and I have mine."
And we leave the scene without any winner or loser.
But I know, if my arguments have actually be solid, they've planted a seed that might grow roots in the future, even while at the present accepting the arguments would be far too painful.
Sometimes that future is already the next day, particularly when I have argued with my kids. And sometimes the future is after ten years or longer, if the person I argued with is no longer a kid and his or her psyche is much larger.
And sometimes the future comes for me after the other person has planted seeds that have grown to fruition a long time later, seeds my fragile psyche needed a really long time to allow them to grow.

Even if your arguments are solid are just in your head, because in other person's head are not that solid. It all depends on how you take them and accept them. I like your opinion about everything and if you think that's the right decision​ for you then you should do like you think is best no matter what other people says.​

I knew it! ;)

Good for you! Thanks for the comment.


Sadly there are a lot of people for whom "being right" actually means "winning the debate" regardless of where the facts/truth actually lies. In those cases, I tend to just agree and walk away...

Yes, that is what I tried to say and I think the best way is just to leave the person who wants to win the debate to actually win it. I have seen lately that you provided a lot of good comments, and not only to my post but also to other users, and I want to thank you for that. Cheers!

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