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RE: A Case of Retaliation when Flagging // @steemflagrewards.

in #abuse6 years ago

Can you point me to your 'creative posts'. I did have a look and I see nothing creative in the last 2 months. You did some things before that but I see nothing in recent times.

I'm not here to 'pick' on you at all. I give a shit about the community, and do what I can within my means.

If the small fish that are abusing are not stopped they grow to big ones and then we wont have a community left. Look at the bigger picture will you?


You are just frustrated at your self. Are you lonely? Don't have a friend?

You don't have anything concrete to say do you?

Bitch you want my attention that badly? You are annoying.

Yeah, that's what's going on here, he's desperate for your loving kindness and probably jealous of you also.

Kindly do me a favor.. take that 'jealousy' and shove it inside yr poop hole.

Do you generally think your tough guy persona means anything after making youself into such a punk? Who ARE you punking RETARD.

Posted using Partiko Android

yeah provide links to your Good content...

Here is smidge, the idiot who thinks sfr is a sophisticated scam, making idle threats and begging people to "call the cops" on them.

Posted using Partiko Android

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