The Worst Things Parents Do to their Kids and Mindlessly (And Intentionally) Keep Cultivating [PARENTING]

in #abuse8 years ago (edited)

Here follow some of the worst things I can think of that parents STILL do to their own flesh and blood, and they ain't got no intention of stopping it as far as reality is concerned! Hope you find them helpful!


8. "Technology is a detriment to parents and parenting!"

NO! If you SUCK as a parent, your child will be attracted to technology, because it outcompetes YOU tenfold. This is no detriment, but rather testament to the fact that you're not putting in any work into your parenting and your bond and relationship to your child. All children prefer human relationships to technological devices. That is, if they're good and satisfactory. In fact, they would probably be much more miserable without the iPad, since spending time with you is clearly of much lower priority than Candy Crush, and that is not the fault of Steve Jobs! I can tell you that much!

7. "Well, kids are just born crazy and need to be suppressed. Don't blame the parents! Blame humanity!"

Are you kidding me?! Abuse in parenting is STILL the default in ALL cultures on planet earth and has been so for all of human history. You can't call something humanity without taking into account the approximately billion coercive things that are forced upon all children during childhood in every society. If you really want to make a chicken-or-the-egg argument, then shouldn't you focus on the fact that it is the parents that choose to beat their kids before they've even reached the age of reasoning? If they're born so evil and broken, then where the do you get the guts to beat them even more?! Isn't that basically like driving a car into a wall with the illogical justification that you have to because "it's broken!". Well, you ain't doing it any good breaking it MORE! If you're going to measure humanity, you can't measure it collectively since almost all people are abused, thus broken. Having governments, which are basically human life-stock zoos, is NOT humanity. You CANNOT call something humanity WITHOUT considering every single aspect of current human societies which goes against the non-aggression principle that are coerced upon on the child during all of its formative years (and the rest of their lives for that matter.)

6. "Kids these days don't behave because they're not being spanked! A good ole ass whoopin' will do the trick!"

Wrong again! 90% of parents still hit their kids as a form of "discipline" (it's not discipline, it's just violence.) Even if some parents don't hit, that still doesn't mean they're not being abusive, or even violent! A non-spanker doesn't just magically turn into a virtuous and good parent. I assure you, within those 10% who allegedly don't spank, the methods used as "discipline" are just as horrid, if not worse. We do not live in a virtuous society. It's about time you woke up to that fact!  

5. "I've never laid my hand on my kid! Yet, my kids are like miniature devils!"

Come on... Are you even trying anymore? See the last paragraphs of #6" and the embedded post. You have not been nice to your kids and you know it.

4. "Well, I was spanked and now I'm a perfectly good person!"

NO! The violence you were subjected to only made you internalize the fact that your survival depended on you justifying your parents' monstrous behavior when "disobeying" their insane commands. Going against it meant violence and pain. As much as you (and I for that matter) would like to believe that you're a good person now, no good person would ever endorse or participate in the beating of children. 

3. "You shouldn't criticize your parents! They're old and can't take much more!"

The criticizing of parents isn't about their past or my past, but about the future. My future. You don't want me to live a good life? Wow! I thought that's why you did all those things to me, since you said it was for my "own good". But now you don't want me to criticize something which, actually, is for my own good? Well, maybe you shouldn't be in my life, then. All this anti-criticizing-of-parents does is preventing individuals from living their lives to their full extent. Since your violent actions towards me were justified by saying it was for my "own good", yet when I express critique which is very much for my own good, you call it bad, you've clearly stumbled upon a contradiction, and you know it, so you should stop spewing bullshit and get the fuck out of my way! Also, are you implying that I COULD "take it" when my parents were beating me to a pulp? Give me a break, you abusive, enabling scum!

2. "You should go see your parents! Otherwise you'll regret it!"

Oh, you want me to go see abusers? Well, Louise, when did you ever go visit your abuser ex-husband who used to beat you up on a weekly basis? If there's a principle called "kids should see their parents even if they don't want to", then that same principle should apply to other relationships, such as yours to your ex-husband. So, Louise, how come I have to go see my abusive parents - people I never had the pleasure of choosing, unlike yourself, who chose your husband, yet you don't apply that to yourself and go see him? As a matter of fact, you haven't looked back since you moved out last spring! All I hear is cowardly hypocrisy. Louise, get the fuck of here! Oh, and the parents who tell you to "go see your parents or you'll regret it!" are the in the category of shitty parents, because good parents don't have to! Children of good and virtuous parents actually want to go see their elders, because they have earned it through years of nurturing of their relationship, rigid empathy and the permanent application of the non-aggression principle. That's why!

1. Spanking my child worked! "I tried reasoning for a while, but when it didn’t work I spanked them, and they disobeying me!"

GOD NO! You're a violent, sadistic asshole! They have internalized the fact that certain behaviors result in terrifying pain and violence and therefore don't do it for a while after you violate them,  In fact, studies show that spanking actually INCREASES the frequency of a particular behavior which it is supposed to work against! By the way, you obviously never “tried reasoning”. People who use reason and evidence as a method of peaceful communication do NOT have a backup plan stuffed down their sleeves like a hidden ace called “violence” that they, whenever they feel reasoning “doesn’t work”, take out and start beating the person bloody. If violence is even on the table, reasoning has never and will never ever work for you. You’re insane and you know it! And now they're going to have to deal with complex trauma and serious, inter-personal issues within relationships as a result of you! You should be ashamed of yourself! Oh, but I know you won't! You're only capable of vile self-pity and retched, manipulative games. Get out of here!



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Thank you so much!

I love your writing style. I wouldn't know how to describe it, though. Maybe confrontational, yet logical?

Yeah, something like that!

Very good post. I posted something similar few months ago althoug I did not edit and spell check the article properly,

Also posted this (featured by knozaki2015 at that time:

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