No Spanking Does NOT Mean Non-Violent - An Introduction [The Fate of Sweden]

in #sweden8 years ago (edited)

The fact fact that Sweden banned spanking is often used as a good example of a peaceful society. People tend to point to Sweden when discussing utopias and future, technologically-advanced and moral societies. What is moral about yelling the personality out of toddlers?


A few weeks ago I was at the supermarket. The moment I entered I heard the icing scream of a small child in need. She was there with her parents. Why would she scream like that if those that made an implicit vow protect and nuture her were there? It's almost like they didn't fucking care. I couldn't stand the screaming. It was a small store, but not that small. Yet, I still heard the screaming among the banans on aisle 11. As I observed the situation the mother started hurling threats at her beautiful daughter whose face had turned red. I approached the "father" of this poor, screaming child and asked him why he would neglect and abuse his own child. He didn't respond. It was as if he froze. He couldn't believe what was happening. An actual caring individual had just asked him why him and his wife humiliated their child. Nobody in the supermarket (except me!) even looked at this horrible event (that's the state of the world right there). They even smiled as the cashregister popped opened up and closed, popped open and closed... The dad didn't utter one word. He stood there and just looked at me as my confident words flowed through my eloquent vocal cords. An insecure smile arose below his nose and I understood that this is not a man, but a cowardly rat whose damaging actions now destroy a child, and he has no intentions of stopping it. The raging mother looked fierce and she had the makings of a slightly overweight sadist. I was boiling with confidence and anger. This right here is what destroys nations. No one gave a fuck except me. Me... Who am I? I am a man who is willing to stand up against people who hurt children no one else does. Action must be taken. Thinking is not enough. Theory is insufficient. You must stand up.


Corporal punishment was banned in 1979. Parents would longer be able to legally physically abuse their children. The keyword here is "physical". Physical abuse is by no means the ONLY type of abuse and is by no means the most torturous. It leaves the door open for more, yet even more fierce types of abuses of children. People have a tendency to think it's somehow okay to hurl words in 100 dB as replacement. Fuck these people. If Sweden is so peaceful, why would they import hundreds of thousands of migrants every year (and in 2015, each month) and then not talk about the fact they often come to and kill, rape and abuse the average Swede. Does that sound peaceful? Does that sound like a decicion made by persons who were raised peacefully and who have stable personalities and judgements? I was threatened to be slaughtered by an Iraqi migrant in grade-school in Sweden. GRADE-SCHOOL! I was a 120 lb kid with no friends or experience in martial arts. I told a teacher. What did she do? She smiled at me and suggested to become friends this lunatic who is probably still roaming the streets of Sweden unpunished.

Physical abuse is only one, petty form of common, boring abuse. By banning parents from physically attacking children it only makes them think up other ways to torture and destroy the mental insides of their own flesh and blood, things often much more significantly damaging and harder to recover from, if they ever recover at all which, given the state of the people of Sweden, does not seem to be the case.


Sweden is one of the major nations who have been pushing for anti-psychotic drugs to "treat" ADHD and other made up diseases. These are not troubled children. They are ABUSED children whose parents are torturing them by fucking their brains out using phychological abuse techniques, much more damaging than petty blows, and now that they're acting out because of the psychological and emotional abuse, they're being drugged for it (Don't get me wrong. Corporal punishment is a vile and disgraceful act and one of the most digusting things a human can do). But experiencing physical abuse has an advantage: You will be taken seriously. Together with sexual predation, it is the only form of abuse that is accepted as abuse within modern society. It is easy to see and easy to to undestand. Even the dumbest know what hit them and that it is wrong But who gives a fuck about children who are constantly screamed at, humiliated, put down, threatened and drugged using absolutely legally prescribed medicine that fry their brain? Nobody. Nobody gives a fuck. Does anyone take anyone seriously who has been tortured by their sadist parents for two decades. I don't think so...

In relation to the ban, parents simply switched to different techniques in order to continue annhilliating their offspring. And these techniques screw their brains up way more than a beating could ever do. It's kind of like a wife-beater during the feminist uprising (the real feminism, that is), pushing against domestic abuse. These husbands would just use different methods in order to release their violent wrath upon their chosen brides. Of course, they would do most of it behind closed doors.


A child does NOT have the legal right to DEFEND themselves from psyhological, emotional and mental abuse. This often leaves the child in a state of constant frustration and rage. Swedish parents often tactically and intentionally provoke their teenage sons to BECOME and ACT violently so that reasons will arise for incarceration and mental incarceration. I have been a victim of this. It's REALLY hard not to at least WANT to beat up your disgusting parents that torture you at home, smile in public pretending "everything's alright" and then themselves act like the victim like cowards cunts when dealing with psychiatrist when "seeking help for your troubled child". You will be submitted and put in a room where you will be forcefed ADHD-drugs (amphetamines) and other anti-psychotic drugs. But, of course, the poor parents are the victims here. "They didn't do anything."

Don't for a second think that Sweden is a peaceful society. It is not. It's a dying society in its last stages:

  • Yelling at your child after which they cry themselves to sleep days on end is NOT a peaceful action.
  • Drugging your child instead of beating them is NOT a peaceful action.
  • Submitting your child to a mental institution and diagnosing them with made-up diseases because they're acting out BECAUSE OF YOU is NOT a peaceful action.
  • Inviting barbarians from third-world, war-torn countries, not talk about the catastrophic consequences and shutting anyone up by ruining their reputation is NOT a peaceful action.


The systematic removal of anger as an emotion through means of drugging and and the constant humiliation of an individual cripples a society until it bends over.

Sweden is fucked up. Parents are vile, passive-aggressive, emotionally and psychologically abusive creatures. Anger is suppressed. Abuse and crime is put up with. Children are ignored. Humanity is destroyed.


Thankyou for your vulnerability, and sorry for your experience.


Great article man, Steem on! Just one error towards the top, here should be her* :)

At one time they were Vikings.
How the mighty have fallen.

Thank you!

I am raising a beautiful strong independent young man in Stockholm. I will never abuse my son, in any way. My role is to mentor and guide a self-empowered critical thinker

Nowadays, I've read about children begging their parents to hit them instead of taking their stupid phones away. Sad.

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