Discussion Forum

in #abuse6 years ago (edited)


I wanted to make a thread with the intent to bring about discussion regarding the @haejin flag war. All are welcome to interject, however, I am not going to go out of my way to invite anyone but haejin. I would like this environment to remain respectful and cool-headed. Points and counterpoints are encouraged. I'll start.

Point 1: An easy one. I would like for haejin to agree with me, for the sake of his fans, that ranchorelaxo began upvoting him before berniesanders began downvoting him. This is actually verifiable fact based on historical data on the Steem blockchain.

Point 2: Haejin interacts with Ranchorelaxo and knows his identity outside of Steem. This is supported by some of haejin's past statements already.

Point 3: Flags/downvotes on Steemit are part of the Steem ecosystem and are not only acceptable, but encouraged in order to come to appropriate reward amounts. Flagging for such reasons should not result in retaliatory flags.

Let's discuss!



Can't wait for this to become a Movie. Hope I'm in it. Don't forget to add my Peace Treaty with Haejin on 5/23/2018. Just incase if people wondered where all the Haejin Memes went.

I will add that once I have completed the rest of the timeline.

Back in olden times, the people of the kingdom and the nearby villages agreed to withold a portion of their earnings, their crops, the flocks, and even a virgin maiden. Children all grew up being told bedtime stories by the old crone that the dragon would sleep all year long, and it would ensure the kingdom would remain at peace, so long as they paid the ransom in treasures before the end of the new year. Even the little children would make good luck toys and dolls of the dragon, to ensure their peace and prosperity.

This was the case with many kingdoms, each with their own dragon. A champion. A protector. Their Alpha and Omega. Pandora's Box.

Until one day...

A new dragon was born, and decided it would play by its own rules: to take as much as it wants. A dragon need not bother with the made up rules designed for peasants. Who could stop it? It grew, and it grew, and it grew. "You think you have seen my worst? I haven't even warmed up!" it roared.

The kingdom started to rally their bravest knights and dragonslayers. The old crone warned them of their foolishness. "The dragon is eternal! You will all be burned in its flames! It is a fools errand!" she crooned. Can things ever return to the way they were? Will the kings and knights of the realm feast on dragon for the Year's End Festival, free to enjoy forever the full potential of the fruits of their own labors, or will the dragon ravage the entire realm to a desert of ruins?

I'd like to see some open dialogue. Good job @moeknows. I hope he replies with more than just flags on the comments and in 6 days the post itself.

Thank you. I'm just trying to change the dynamics of this so called war a little bit.

Totally agree that flagging is and should be as normal as upvoting. It should be based on the quality of content and not in retaliation.

I have no objection to the content Haejin produces, I just don't think it is worth the level of payouts he gets.

The thing that is really sinister is the way only one large whale upvotes all his posts.

At some point, he had this idea and must have thought it brilliant. He just didn't count on everyone else noticing what he was doing.

Which makes me think he really doesn't understand what a blockchain is and how transparent most interactions on steem are.

He can be part of the steem ecosystem, but when all he is doing is extracting value and then sending it out to an exchange to sell, he is pushing down the price if SBD and Steem.

So I will continue to flag him until I see those rewards go down to something sensible



7 hours gone, 60 (+1) upvotes and no comment

(goes to reload on popcorn)

Sorry, Gray. I wouldn't have expected him to downvote a post such as yours. SMH.

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