Flagging should be removed completely

in #abuse8 years ago (edited)

An account like @iflagtrash that posts nothing should not be allowed to flag anyone period. Or if flags are going to stay they should not affect a posts payout at all. Negative reinforcement can and will kill social media. It has already made me not want to write any bots for this platform. No matter how benevolent some douchebag whale that just doesn't like me or my political views will find some reason to flag it.

Flagging has no role but making legitimate users leave Steemit and enriching collusive whales. That fact has been proven by the current attrition rate of steemit users and the anemic on-boarding. Does Facebook have a dislike button. NOPE and there is a reason. does Twitter have anything like that? nope... Can a major Twitter investor decide Kevin Heart being paid 2 million by Sony for some tweets was too high of a payout and flag it,,,, nope. Serious social media personalities WILL NOT JOIN STEEMIT. Until the devs realize that flagging is only a detriment and remove the abilty to negatively affect another users payout completely.


The presence of flagging rights has a role but I believe there needs to be more to it than just a flag. If you are genuinely revolted by something, as I once was, the opportunity is there to explain your revulsion. [It was a post suggesting that the laws of attraction could have saved holocaust victims and Japanese victims of the nuclear bombs, suggesting they were almost complicit!.]
I expressed my revulsion and was expected to believe it was a satirical post!
I did not downvote/flag because the author really believed that I should have seen the satire. I did not.
If a post has a serious point of view which one finds revolting - child smuggling being endorsed for example, the author is going to find a pretty hostile reception anyway but the author knows this beforehand. The use of flags in that situation, with an explanation is justified. Flag with due cause may be the way forward but who/how is that policed? Or is it community policed?
One thing that I find strange is that in a censorship-free world, one is discouraged from reading the greyed out posts. I invariably do reveal to see what the offence was!

Flagging has no role but making legitimate users leave Steemit and enriching collusive whales. That fact has been proven by the current attrition rate of steemit users and the anemic on-boarding. Does Facebook have a dislike button. NOPE and there is a reason. does Twitter have anything like that? nope... Can a major Twitter investor decide Kevin Heart being paid 2 million by Sony for some tweets was too high of a payout and flag it,,,, nope. serious social media people WILL NOT JOIN STEEMIT. until the devs realize that flagging is only a detriment

I hear you! Facebook does have a Report functionality and one can always 'unfriend' as one can mute here. I have a new account holder who has joined our FB group where they can get 1on1 support and guidance. His first post received 2 flags as it was a c&p of a video I first saw about 7/8 years ago - maybe more!
He was very upset and were it not for the group ...
I believe that there will be a service set up whereby you can join steemit, have 25 votes a day and the rest of your admin is handled by a sort of clerk. Your other votes are handled for curation purposes by the admin team and you just collect your curation minus say 10%.
Formatting will evolve such that you have sort of photo holders and thee are a few standard formats to pick from. Text boxes will be there to hold the prose/whatever and there will be a gallery style page for larger art/graphics.
Flags will become a moot point as the admin team can spot a C&P a mile off. If I can , they can!
Flagging could be done by cheetah as well after, say, a 24 hour period to explain.
The low account numbers are centred around these issues rather than flags I believe.
Back to your point - Why do I help run a FB group for Steemit? Why is it not on steemit? We have the functionality on Discord ... interesting!

I agree, before I release a massive modified user compilation for everyone to use at will. I totally agree. A massive userlist would be great for tagging.

I agree! Sometimes it takes forever to write a good story, Then a no good doer flag's it for no reason, Then you lose out on a chance to make anything. I'm with you.

This must be the weirdest post - you are arguing for the removal of flags and yet you are flagging people! Is that one of those activities that has a special name? Do you mind explaining to me the reason behind your flag?

You began your reply with "I hear you" but from your reply that was inaccurate. Now you do hear me.

Sycophancy is all well and good - delivering what you are seeking to eradicate is counter-productive. I have only ever flagged once and that was for a very good reason.
I do hear you - the argument just has a few more tentacles than you have raised! I don't get you now - you are countering your own argument ... self-defeating??

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