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RE: Art Plagiarism Case #2 - Caso de Plagio Artistico #2 - @adelepazani

in #abuse6 years ago (edited)

Over decades I've been using tons of references/inspirations I found on the Internet. The Internet is to me and to most other artists a very important source of inspiration on many levels. But I also see many artists finding inspiration in my own work. I see it in games, in tattoos, in illustrations, in paintings. BUT THIS IS ALL NOT ABOUT PLAGIARISM! So if some anonymous denunciator like @jaguar.force can't tell the difference then I will certainly not encourage him/her in his/her moronic activities by discussing "his/her point". It's just another retarded asshole hiding behind an avatar and patronizing people!
If @adelepazani got inspired by a photo she can tell us, but she doesn't have to. It's her fucking business and not yours or the one of some self-entitled denunciator. She created a new and distinct artwork. It's neither a cover nor a replica. If you are in doubts then I'd suggest you ask professional VISUAL artists because as a marine, IT professional, blockchain enthusiast and meme-ologist this topic is certainly not within your expertise.


If you are in doubts then I'd suggest you ask professional VISUAL artists because as a marine, IT professional, blockchain enthusiast and meme-ologist this topic is certainly not within your expertise.

First off, appeal to authority is a logical fallacy so you should probably bin that argument.

We agree that trying to say this was plagiarism was not the appropriate response so we are on the same page there.

Even so, I stand by my words that it is courteous to mention the source inspiration. It shouldn't even be a debate and it is a peculiar "hill to die on".

If I created anothet form of a work, should I not point to the original work? For example, I create a watercolor version of another's pastel work. Would it not be courteous to mention them?

That's all I am saying.

If I created anothet form of a work, should I not point to the original work? For example, I create a watercolor version of another's pastel work. Would it not be courteous to mention them?

Yes, depending on the level of resemblance it might make sense. But this case is absolutely not about a replica! This cretin must have used a face recognition service to find out what image she got the inspiration from - Google Image Search wouldn't find it!
@jaguar.force, get a life and go selling pizza or something! :-)

This cretin must have used a face recognition service to find out what image she got the inspiration from - Google Image Search wouldn't find it!

We certainly have our methods to pierce the veils of deception,
btw, where are you going with these ad hominem attacks?
Do you really think they are helping your point? Think again.
When you attack the person is because you cannot address the argument itself.

Reading the tread of this ridiculous accusation of yours, I cannot help but react angrily to your persistent arguments that are not only uninformed, but the whole affair is pointedly vindictive. You are a useless and clueless moron. What qualifications do you have to judge works of art? Quit arguing your indefensible stupid actions.
I have decades of experience in art, art history, anthropology and philosophy.
I also have experience as a art critic, curator and former juror for a Canadian Government art acquisition program. My credentials are a BFA magna cum laude, and as a practicing artist I have been working for over 5 decades, with worldwide exhibitions of my work.
In all this time I have never encounter such a boneheaded fool as you present yourself to be.
As Peter Gric (a top level academic artist with a Masters Degree) in the comment above said: @jaguar.force, get a life and go selling pizza or something! My variation of this advise is: crawl back under your rock and stop trolling serious and dedicated artists.
What have you accomplished so far, other than being a troll?

We certainly have our methods to pierce the veils of deception

so go then and critique Andy Warhol:
Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe Series 1967.
... or maybe check where the photo comes from in the Larry Rivers Study of Lamp man loves it
If you want to know about Copyright and Fair Use, then perhaps consult the documentation I had compiled here About Copyright

Frankly, I am getting pissed off about clueless and blatant amateurs like @jaguar.force

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. ~ Benjamin Franklin

a peculiar "hill to die on".


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