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RE: Going to War on STEEM

in #abuse6 years ago

I am admire your efforts. @patrice and @steemcleaners and all the hardworking souls who spend countless hours going after the abusers only have so much time. They need to earn a living and feed their families, too. Steemit is our community, and as such it is up to each and every one of us to keep an eye out and work together to keep our community safe and clean. If we each do a little, so much is done.


Thanks for your encouraging comment. I am learning just how difficult the job of combating abuse can be.

I hope to get more effective as I learn :)

Yes, you will, but you will also learn about all kinds of other crazy things as you go... It's like a wormhole, lol. And the scenery changes and gets more unusual as you dive deeper!

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