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in #abuse7 years ago

I don't think spam alone is a good enough reason to flag someone. That kind of thing should be taken care of through a lack of upboats. Which seems to be the case after a quick view of his comments.

However someone throwing around flags so willy nilly does deserve some flags thrown back at them.


That account deserves all the flags it can get IMHO. It is not only my posts that gets flags, but also other Steemians. The account has some shady posts done in the past as well. And, although I did not use flags to comments, I get really tired of those Steemians who copy/paste comments to many posts, or write 1 or 2 generic words in a comment to try and get something out of it, and did not read the post. I do however like to take things a bit moderate,, when possible, give Steemians the change to better their lives. But sometimes a Steemian is not open for any help, suggestions and simply bad for the community. Thanks for sharing your views!

Yeah, its a good thing the power of a flag is based on your rep vs theres. Otherwise calling them out on their shit could be devastating.

You definitly took the right course of action imo, I wonder why he even flagged your original post to begin with. Im a pirater of content myself so I cant really bash @cartoontv for uploading it, but you do bring up some good points.

Mainly that where I get my stuff from can always be shutdown or removed. Having it in the blockchain means there is no such possible action unless they decide to attack steem as a whole. Good or bad im interested in what the outcome will be. It could either turn the world toward or against decentralization.

Edit: appears that @cartoontv is shutting down.

Yep, cartoontv is no more, at least that is what hey say. But dont be fooled, chainflix and musicbox are very likely the same individual(s) behind it and they did not stop.

Also I am very curious why this account flagged my post, it was even a followup in which I informed the community on my steps taken and the outcome, which was mostly the support for these new activities. Anyway, this guy went haywire, is probably angry at the whole world, and has no idea how to behave somewhat decent with respect for others.

These people are stealing money from the system and making the value of steem go down. Ignoring them is not an option. Flagging is actually a responsibility and is the very best option.

I wouldnt say spamming alone is stealing money from the system. Nor would I say spam makes the value of steem go down.

It definitely wont help the value of steem rise, but you know what will? Voting on actual content. If your spending all of your voting power on flagging (a potentially infinite amount) of spammers then your fighting an unwinnable war, while good content passes by making nothing.

I would rather see good content get the rewards that they deserve, then see bad content get stripped of rewards they dont. The real issue here isnt that people are spamming, but that spam actually gets votes.

It doesn't matter that you wouldn't say it's stealing because it is stealing no matter what your opinion is on it. Taking money out of the system for not contributing (spamming) is stealing.
Flagging bad content keeps the rewards pool more full of money to give to good content, so you're wrong, and it is a winnable war, but you're not going to win by giving up before you start. I'd rather see a lot of things as well, but I do like dealing with reality. Yes, spam getting votes is part of the problem, but it's not all of the problem Things aren't as black and white and simple as you'd like them to be.

Just because you call something stealing, doesnt make it stealing. Its spamming. Spammers arent stealing a penny out of the system, because other people are the ones giving them pennys.

There are people who upvoat their own post, is that stealing to you too? I could argue that it is with your logic and from better ground as well. Should I start flagging those who do so?

Using your voting power to flag bad content instead of to promote good content means the only people who are going to get recognised are the ones who already were.

And I dont see how fighting them is winnable, there will always be spammers joining hoping to make a quick buck. Let them rest at the bottom while the good content goes up.

And this issue is pretty damn black and white. Voters are 99.999% of the reason spammers exist. Instead of hating on the people trying to game the system hate on the people who are encouraging it to happen.

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