Creating Flow?

in #abundance5 years ago (edited)

Nature surrounds us with abundance, it is not something we create , it is ever present. What we do create are barriers, putting limitations on ourselves. Limiting what should naturally flow in our lives.
So where does this mentality come from, where we cut ourselves off from the natural flow of life?

Our thoughts create the life we live in. When we stop listening to ourselves, to our intuitive self ,we block that natural flow of abundance. We are then creating resistance and that allows our logical mind to take over, to try and take control of what we need, instead of trusting that our deeper self will guide us.

Being aware of how your mind works, of how we can build walls of fear around what we desire, by thinking how can I ever get what I need, instead of visualizing that you have it already. Think about the times you have created stress in your life by over thinking things, by allowing feelings of unworthiness to creep in. Those feelings and thoughts are the bricks of resistance, blocking your flow.

We have been taught from a young age that we always need to be in control, and to a certain degree we should be. But that push for control has pushed aside our ability to listen and trust our intuitive self. To take a step into the unknown and trust that things will be okay, because you had a good feeling about it. We are constantly missing out on signs, that are trying to guide us back to trusting ourselves and our inner knowing.

Instead we build up expectations, which block that flow and leave us feeling overwhelmed. Life gets so much more complicated when we switch off from ourselves. When we allow others to influence us and dictate how we live. Some many thoughts of self doubt, because you heard something one time, that now makes you question your decision making.

More thoughts, more blockages. Less natural abundance.

When I talk about natural abundance, I am talking about the things we actually need. There will always be ways to make money to buy yourself things. But what about the life that you are meant to be living, a life that fulfils you and allows you to feel complete and at peace with yourself. Where you do not feel like you are constantly chasing after something and that it will never happen.

You are the person to make things happen. You deserve to live the life you desire and you have the power to make it happen. You just need to believe and stop placing so many limitations on yourself.

Have we lost our ability to know?
To trust ourselves,
To just let go.
To listen to ,
than inner voice
that speaks of truths,
and lays down roots.
Why must we always
look to the sky?
Looking outwards
and upwards,
from you and I.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



'Limitations' is what I've been meditating on this year - there's been some really interested stuff come up about it for me. We often put walls up to protect ourselves from harm, but they can also prevent us being who we can really be. The more we consider these, the more they start to crumble, and the more the light shines through.

I read a passage in a Pema Chodron book and I've been thinking about it ever since. Lovely poem. You do like that DDG, don't you? The blues in that picture are great!!!

exactly, we end up blocking off a part of ourselves.
I have been having fun with DDG for sure, thank you beautiful xx

We ALLOW flow rather than creating it, no? So much wisdom to be found in allowing ourselves to be drawn back into eternal, creative flow.

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exactly that's what the whole post was about, I was meant to put a question mark after my heading, but as I wrote, flow is natural, what we create is resistance to that flow xx

Nice reminder to listen to our intuitive self! It is wonderful to lead a meaningful life and have flow!
Thanks for sharing this!

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