My Personal Weight Loss

in #aboutme7 years ago (edited)

A few weeks ago I went to my doctor because my left leg and foot were swelled up pretty bad, and of course as you'd imagine, they put me on some medications to try to get the swelling down... which of course didn't work.

The doctor then sent me to wound care and they explained to me that the reason the diuretics weren't working was because the blood was getting into the soft outer tissue in my legs, causing me to retain water really bad.

They then had me start wearing compression stockings, which can be rather painful if you allow them to bunch up on you, but by golly they're working really well. Another thing I did was starting on the 1st of August, I started using again and started keeping my caloric intake below 2600 each day. I started at 471.1lbs.

On the 8th, I had an appointment to see the dietitian, and I got on the scale in her office, and I was down to 469.8. A week later I had a follow up with wound care, so I decided to hit the scales while I was there, and in just a week's time, I was down to 463.2, so I had dropped 6.6 lbs. I went back the NEXT week to see the dietitian again, and was down to 454.5, DOWN A WHOLE 8.7 lbs since the last time.

In the month of August, as far as I have documented..., I have lost a total of 16.6 lbs, and I'm supposed to go back soon and weigh again. This adventure has merely started, and stands to continue at least until August of 2018


Do you have T.P. for my bunghole? I would hate for my bungholio to get polio.

Yo dude. I just read this post and I see that your 2 comments are both spam so fuck them, I will leave a real genuine comment for a real genuine post.
First with fitnesspal to check your calorie daily you have 1 tool out of 3. Put it all on the site every fucking meal so you will know after awhile how much every meal worth in calories. 2- look into keto diet This totally insane to think that you can loose weight eating steak and fat cheese but it's working if you look into it you will understand what I am telling you. I dropped 40 pounds in 3+ months and so can you. (low carb so no bread no sugar are you ready for this?) 3- this for the mental aspect reddit community is a good place to start you can see progress of people having the exact same goal as you, recipe they have and a lot of story success which can keep you motivated. look at the ratio fat/protein/carb/ how to set your fitnesspal on reddit for keto diet. I wish you gonna read this because it was long to type and I wish also that you gonna look into it. I have nothing to gain other then the pleasure of coming back in a few month to witness how well you are doing. I know you are an excellent musician also so I want to hear you shit for years and I know for a fact sometimes the music is harder to get out when you have health issues. take care man.

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