Abortion , a struggling tale of a Filipino girl.

in #abortion7 years ago (edited)

So I met this Filipino girl back when I just came to Cambodia. She gave me some information on where to go to get the correct visa to work legally in Cambodia. We chatted for a few days until we decided to meet each other.


We are both Christians , and we had some deep conversations about our love and life. We decided to meet for the first time in a church on Sunday afternoon. Sunday came and we met up and she is this small petite girl , while I'm almost 2 meters tall . You can picture this tall guy with this small girl entering the church.

So me and Ritch, her name, became quite good friends over the time. We have a lot in common because of our past experiences with people. At the time she had an American boyfriend and I respected her and him enough to not interfere in their relationship. About 6 months ago she had a miscarriage.

The child was only 5 months old. She and her boyfriend went through a lot of trauma. I cannot even imagine losing a child. They went through a tough time and I was there supporting her where I can.

Two days ago she texted me, telling me she is pregnant again. This time she tries not to put stress on her body so she quit her job as an English teacher. Her boyfriend is well off so she doesn't have to work.


This morning she asked me if she can come stay with me for a week before leaving for Philippines. I told her by all means, but why don't you stay at your apartment with your boyfriend ? She said that he wanted to get an abortion, but she wants to keep the child. They argued and now she is leaving Cambodia to go find some peace with her family in the Philippines.

She cried so much when we met today that I felt really bad for this girl. She is away from her home country and her family and now the one person she trusted wants to take her child away from her.

I am totally against abortions. That child did not ask to be apart of this life. You knew how to lay down and have fun so you have to take responsibility for your actions.

No civilized society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and abortion is no different.

Religious views on abortion

When we abort a child, you take a life and in some cases the mother don't even have a say in this matter. The decision you make will affect you for the rest of your life. In many countries it's illegal to get an abortion. The Muslims, Catholics, Christians and Judaism all reject the thought of abortion. So why are abortions still legal in some countries ?

Psalm 139 , verse 13-16 - "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body."

Religious symbols.png

Some cases of abortion should be permitted

What will you say when your daughter gets raped and ends up being pregnant ? That is the reality of the situation. There are some cases where I believe abortion should be permitted, not to cause harm to the child but to protect the one you love.

In some cases when a women gets raped, she decide to keep the baby. My hat's off to you if you are that brave to keep the child. Many others doesn't agree, because that child will be a memory of something bad that happend to you.


There has been countless debates over this particular topic, but in this situation, the mother of that child should have the choice to abort the baby or keep it.

What happens when the mother is in danger because of the pregnancy ? A lot of women died while giving birth to a baby and that is the reality. If the doctor tells you you are in danger, what will you do ? Abort the baby or take the chance ?

Again this is a touchy subject because I believe no man out there will tell his wife to go ahead with the pregnancy, when she have a chance to die while giving birth. Both partners should sit down and talk about the problem when something like this happens to you.

I can't have a baby now !

A girl is out partying with her friends and ends up getting pregnant. Now she have to tell her parents she's pregnant or go to the doctor to get an abortion. This should be totally illegal in every circumstance. Just because you don't want the baby, you have to take it's life away. That's murder !

“It seems to me as clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

If you want to have sex before marriage but you don't want to get pregnant, why don't you practice safe sex ? You can use condoms, birth control or if you really have to, the morning after pill. To come 13 weeks later looking to get an abortion is plain and simple murder.

If you are pregnant and the doctor informs you, you are having a retarded baby, will you keep it ? Many people won't think twice to abort that child. It's wrong on so many levels to abort a child because of a physical or mental disability.

Maybe you were smoking, drinking or doing drugs while being pregnant ? Because of your addiction the child have to suffer ?

May you burn in hell if you are one of these people who aborts a baby just because you cannot deal with a child now in your life.

To end things on a positive note


“How come when it’s us, it’s an abortion, and when it’s a chicken, it’s an omelette?”
― George Carlin

Original Content - @jacoknoetze

Image Sources - 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5



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Good to explain this one , her boyfriends act was foolish, abortion is not allowed in any religion... your nice and informative post.

I agree with you, many mothers out there who want a child but can not get pregnant, why pregnant women want to kill her baby.
dare to do, dare to take responsibility. abortion is not the best way.

Yes, my sister is struggling to have a baby with her husband while other mothers wants to get rid of their babies.. It's really sad.

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It's really sad, unfortunately, many mothers prefer abortion

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