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RE: Angelro's contest: finding positivity in life

in #abc6 years ago

You speaks your mind through your post, it doesnt look like steemit blog post, rather like talking to others. As always this post too is homely with those lovely snaps that really taken back to my old not so city homes then where there was enough space to do some cultivation..

Do the first photo is something that the fruit is growing in ground having brown skin that when we peel it white in color, mostly little cylindrical in shape. We call them as Tapioca. We boil it and it will become soft and ates it with chilly chutney and all...

And I think the second snap, that plant too seen in my homeyard.

Then the smile from both of you that makes this post lovely...Thanks for the creative mind to make this and posting in my contest.

Finally you really spoke my

I knew that my friend @angelro has another plans for me and my other half @cicisaja for this contest,


The first snap is chocolate sweets, not tapioca. The second snap is cassava, and its roots can be made to tapioca 😁.glad that you like this kind of post, you know that writing a story like this is my habit 😁, I am not a professional writer, I read something I know

No one is protessional writer it seems.. but we gets altracted to un professional write ups because they are most likely coming straight away from the heart, without any additional masala, the way we speaks to others. So many ot your posts I gone through have that essence.

when it ripes Post some snaps of tapioca, let us Compare it willi the Indian one, I will do whenever we buy it in our home next time
Have a good day to both

I don't think cici will wait till the tapioca ripen, you know... When you take the leaves all the time to consume, it will take a year or more to get the tubes. But I will share it when we make it

haha, Ok, And I think the two catagories of Tapioca would not be same. Yesterday we were having it for dinner but by the time I came back home, it was already cooked and was in the dining table:

Have a nice Sunday:


This food called as ongol-ongol, made from tapioca or grated cassava tubes and sugar, coconut milk, a bit of gelatinous powder. This is made by my sister' mother in law, the most delicious ongol-ongol I ever have eaten.

Maybe I will share the recipe later when cici made it for me.

Thank you for posting this, and more surprise that you people too uses Cocount as daily part of Cooking. In our home minimum two cocunut required everyday as most of the dishes we make usinggrinded Coc unut and its paste along with other masala items.

Happy to hear about the relative's visit and the family bonding. And coincidentally @cici Maam and my self were discussing the same. and shared photo of one of the recent family get together too. Have a look when free.

The dish look tasty and have a nice day

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