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RE: Over-sleeping? How long can you sleep for?

in #aakom7 years ago

An article of a comment! Yes, focus on the 3rd eye chakra is a method in Dzogchen sleep yoga - I do that too. Although the throat chakra is advised for dream recall - the ajna is primarily for falling asleep consciously, which sounds like a contradiction but can be achieved. In Thailand there are many statues of the "sleeping Buddha", who is not sleeping at all - it's his parinirvana and also the sleeping position for dream yoga. Most of us, indeed, end up falling asleep.


An article of a comment!

Or a mammoth, lol...just saw how long it was.

I've never heard of Dzogchen sleep yoga, but it seems I've been closer to it than I've known.
I'm technically supposed to be focusing on my throat, heart and plexus chakras, but I'm still struggling to become as aware of them as I am of my third eye. Which is strange considering that I'm very easily the most outspoken, verbally eloquent and generally the most vocab-adept person in my own circles, and people who've read me (using the third eye vision, psychic or whatever) say I've got a very large heart I can't imagine why 'feeling' them could prove so difficult.

the ajna is primarily for falling asleep consciously, which sounds like a contradiction but can be achieved.

Yes. It's also possibly the easiest way to achieve projection, which is something I've been trying to do for some time as well. I can almost never get past the body lock tho :(

In Thailand there are many statues of the "sleeping Buddha", who is not sleeping at all - it's his parinirvana and also the sleeping position for dream yoga.

Leave it to enthusiastic whites and unaware Asians to interpret him as being asleep lol.
Someday I intend to get to where he managed to get with his spiritual awakening.

Most of us, indeed, end up falling asleep.

Yep. Grrr...
I've discovered that trying to achieve meditative results in the spirit arts and practice are often met with sleep-induced failure if attempted while tired or drained. So I usually sleep well, get up, walk around for a bit, do a stretch or two, consume my Chawanprash, and then get back in bed and try while I'm fresh.

Yes, same technique for out-of-body/astral projections - or one of the techniques. Which makes me think one gets caught in that twilight hypnagogic state. Charles Tart (wrote one article on him, so far) says it's his fave method - to just stare at the shifting darkness.

Body asleep... mind awake...

From what I've learnt, enlightenment is not one single experience - not like a mystical vision - but that after the first experience one needs to then make it a permanent state. That part is hard! :-)

Yes, same technique for out-of-body/astral projections - or one of the techniques.
Body asleep... mind awake...

Yes, precisely. I've fallen shy of a few inches from success with this stuff more times than I'd care to count at this point. The body lock failsafe is just too powerful. I've tried some of the ways of circumventing or reducing it, but...goddamn it's tough.

Which makes me think one gets caught in that twilight hypnagogic state.


Charles Tart (wrote one article on him, so far) says it's his fave method - to just stare at the shifting darkness.

That's usually what I'm doing behind me eyelids...after the day's flotsam clears it, that's all that remains. And then the dark blankness starts to take on its own random patterns and whatnot. I feel like it's residual energy met with during the day, or just energy surrounding one's form or something.

From what I've learnt, enlightenment is not one single experience - not like a mystical vision - but that after the first experience one needs to then make it a permanent state. That part is hard! :-)

Word. It's literally a life-long process, and not just in the limited span of human life. Kind of just a quasi-infinite Ascension of consciousness and energy till one achieves unison with the Source.

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