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RE: How do you perceive your ideal self in the technological future? A DeepThink Challenge

in #writing7 years ago

Of course, the Star Trek universe begins with nuclear destruction of human civilization on Earth, followed by efficient cultural conquest of the Vulcans, under whose technological and cultural dominance the humanity is subject. One could even argue that the Federation is not a "human" civilization, as all that defines humanity seems to have been Vulcanized.

With infinite resource paradigm of the Star Trek universe, conflicts may decrease. Replicators are essentially a religious artifact that provides for material needs, much like the shamanic rituals of the our past provided for material needs of rain, wind, snow, etc. Like religious institutions, the replicators require ever-increasing energy to function. Much of the technology of Star Trek require energy; I surmise that the massive fleets of the Federation patrol the galaxy in constant search for antimatters and dilithium crystals.

The most wise faction in the Star Trek universe is the Ferengi mercantile consortium who recognize the finite nature of resources. While the Federation live on borrowed time, as it depletes ever-diminishing supply of energy without much thought, the Ferengi wisely allocates the limited resources to those who most efficiently utilize them. At the end of the day, when cheap energy runs out, the Federation members will be eating each other.


im assuming u speak klingon!!

ur definitely a Trekkie!

I like most science fiction. I like Star Trek: TNG because Picard solves most hostile encounters with diplomacy without compromising the principles of the Federation (as much as I despise the Vulcan empire). Janeway, though, treats principles like tissue paper to be thrown away at a moment of convenience and seems to solve her problems with photon torpedoes.

i agree with you about piccard.
but hey dont diss Janeway or ill flag you!!! (joke!)

she was the best in my opinion..
i mean she wasnt THAT bad at flouting the prime directive.. and man she was 70,000 light years from home!

Voyager had some good moments, but when I looked back I noticed that a lot of the writing was nonsensical day-time-soap-opera drama. This was at least the case until 7 of 9 showed up. I did like Janeway on her good days though. Would love to see a series that takes Star Trek to the next level (passively teach real science and not just the limitations of what a screenwriting major tends to know). IOW, combine rational fiction, Star Trek, and Cosmos all into one.

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