My Introduce: I'm @Yusnidar

English language And Indonesian language

English language

Best regards for all steemians

Hi all..

Previously I want to thank my husband @altafalazzam who had invited to join in steemit.
Introduce my name Yusnidar I come from Indonesia aceh province, precisely aceh north lhokseumawe. I work as a housewife and I have two sons, first named Aulia and the second named Abizar.

At first I was embarrassed to join in steemit because there are so many men in this blog. But after my husband supports and explains about steemit I am determined to join soon and I also see already many Indonesian women who join here.

As a beginner I much lacked this would be an obstacle for me to be able to write articles well. I really want you all to support me so I can be useful for other friends on this blog. Especially for the Steemians Community Indonesia and the whole community on this steemit I really hope your support all.
For the sake of this introduction of myself, if there are words that are not good please forgive.

Thank you for your support all


Indonesian language

Salam hormat buat semua steemian

Hai semua..

Sebelumnya saya ingin berterimakasih kepada suami saya @altafalazzam yang sudah mengajak saja bergabung dalam steemit.

Perkenalkan nama saya Yusnidar saya berasal dari Indonesia provinsi aceh, tepatnya aceh utara lhokseumawe. Saya bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan saya sudah mempunya dua orang putra, yang pertama bernama Aulia dan yang kedua Bernama Abizar.

Pada mulanya saya merasa malu untuk bergabung di steemit karena sangat banyak laki-laki yang ada di blog ini. Akan tetapi setelah suami saya mendukung dan memberi penjelasan tentang steemit saya bertekad untuk segera bergabung dan saya juga melihat sudah banyak perempuan Indonesia yang bergabung disini.

Sebagai seorang pemula saya banyak kekurangan hal ini akan menjadi sebuah hambatan bagi saya untuk dapat menulis artikel dengan baik. Saya sangat ingin anda semua mendukung saya agar saya bisa bermanfaat buat teman-teman yang lain di blog ini. Terutama buat Steemians Komunitas Indonesia dan seluruh komunitas pada steemit ini saya sangat berharap dukungan anda semua.
Demikan perkenalan diri saya ini, kalau ada kata-kata yang tidak baik harap dimaafkan.

Terimakasih atas dukungan anda semua



welcome to steemit

Selamat datang di steemit.
Kami selalu mendukung jika ada perempuan yang bergabung. Kenyataannya, banyak perempuan yang sudah bergabung mempunyai ide-ide yang unik. Belum lagi jika membicarakan soal masakan yang memang sudah keahliannya.
Sekali lagi selamat bergabung.
Salam kenal dari saya @

Hi @yusnidar, met kenal and welcome to steemit. @tusroni dukung resep masakan ku juga dong, met kenal dari lugina.

© copyright - all rights reserved by @tinashe

 Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same. 



Thank you


Welcome friend!!! I will be following and checking your content!!! Be sure to check me out and Upvote!!!

Welcome to Steem @yusnidar I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome to steemit!! I hope you have a good time here :D
You have my opvote to support n.n
I just made this post I hope it can help you a little :)
The most basic guide for for new steemians in 8 points

@yusnidar your boys are cute and welcome to steemit get rewarded for your posts and if want followers follow others they will follow you back follow me i will follow u too

@satfit sweet like me :)

Yup suger

Welcome to steemit @yusnidar

Nice to have you here. I hope you enjoy your stay and make some new friends!

If you like to know how you can get fast upvotes and gain new followers,
You may want to check out my post about it:

I upvoted and followed you. Fell free to do the same and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions 😉

Good luck so far, greetings from
Djangos story @juicypop

Welcome to steemit @yusnidar, I have upvoted you. I hope you like this community. :)

Wow awesome post !! :) Woud love to see more Your account was recently created so I thought I'd say hi and welcome you. This post deserves an upvote and full steem ahead! As you are new to steemit, getting those first upvotes are gonna be hard so maybe you want to try Steemfollower where you can earn up to 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I have also made this post where I explain the site in more depth and a great tutorial as well. Have a nice day and lets earn more together. Also, you can follow me with more updated posts :)

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